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3rd person pov
2 months later...

Draco and Harry had grown closer and Draco was slowly getting past his grieving phase for Astoria, he would only cry if he was asked to talk about her or if Scorpius asked where she was.

Harry and the boys were still living at The Malfoy Manor but it was no longer because of the press but more because it had become the usual and the Malfoys liked having them there. All three boys had also gotten their own room along with Scorpius.

The tension had come back between the boys but this time it was more of a flirty tension instead of an awkward one, Narcissa had even started teasing them that they would've probably have ended up a couple in an alternate universe. The two young men had also started going out to clubs together, mostly with Draco's friends as they mostly didn't have children but both Luna, Neville, Dean and Seamus had started tagging along. 

The two young men had planned with some of their friends that they would meet at a muggle bar tonight and therefore Narcissa had agreed to take care of the three small boys along with picking up Teddy from a muggle friend in London he had been staying with overnight.

Following the wizarding war back in Harry's seventh year Hogwarts had made it possible for students to go home every weekend and they were now allowed to bring muggle electronics so that they could keep contact with their loved ones, but all electronics were strictly restricted to only be of use when contacting loved ones and not to use all the time as Headmistress McGonagall feared it would take up too much of the young witches' and wizards' time which could damage the house bond.

Harry had gone back to working normally again, as had Draco. Harry had, given his position, done a lot of small lectures around the UK to open people up to the idea of being an auror,  he talked about what the Auror Department was doing and taught people how to defend themselves against different dangers. Draco had accompanied him on most of these lectures as he could tell a lot about the Healer part of being an Auror, Draco and Harry was basically together all the time both at work and at home which only made their friendship stronger.

Being together this much obviously both had pros and cons, the pros were that they became better friends and they found out that they work most of the time in sync. The cons were that both tension and meaningless arguments could occur, for example they had argued just yesterday about who was meant to pick up the boys from Hermione's or who was meant to pick up Teddy from London. 

Of course they always sorted it out again but the small quarrels were there and they'd become a normal part of their friendship.

Draco had to keep his mother from spoiling all five boys whenever she got the chance, he had already scolded her multiple times because she had bought them sweets, toys among other things for them. Harry had finally realized what Teddy had meant with honorary son after Draco jokingly said Harry had become Scorpius' honorary father along with him.

Harry pov

I was standing inside Draco's walk-in closet as he desperately tried to find something to wear, apparently all the shirts, trousers and other clothing he already had wasn't it.

"Draco this is ridiculous, you've got more clothing than the whole Gryffindor house had combined." I said while furrowing my brows.

"So that's why you never looked presentable." Draco shot back before opening yet another drawer full of neatly folded trousers.

"Draco I'm literally just wearing a black shirt with a smiley face on along with blue jeans, it's not a big deal." I told him. My comment made him close the drawer with a thud, he looked at me with an intimidating glare before he said:

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