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Harry pov

It was now 2 hours later and I started walking back to the courtroom where i met Draco along with his and Astoria's family standing outside the door while talking about what they thought Ginny would get as a sentence.

"Is everyone here?" I asked them making them realise i was there, Daphne sent me a weird look as if I wasn't meant to be there.

"I think we are." Narcissa answered me, the family went to the audience stands while Draco and I went back to our former places.

Once all were seated inside the court Shacklebolt announced that the Jury had decided upon a sentence, as everyone held their breath waiting for the sentence to be read aloud I laid a hand on Draco's tense back making him relax a bit.

"The jury finds Ginevra Molly Weasley guilty in attempted murder towards Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, and have sentenced her to 8 years prison at the newly renovated Nurmengard. The sentence was originally 7 years but the jury added an extra year for the break-in into Grimmauld Place." Shacklebolt spoke making both the Malfoy and the Greengrass family smile, the Weasley's on the other hand started protesting violently, or Molly Weasley did.

"Anything you wish to say Mrs. Weasley?" Shacklebolt asked Molly who was redder than her hair in fury.

"You can't send her to another country! Not mentioning it is house to Gellert Grindelwald who is maybe even more dangerous than you-know-who was!" She screamed in anger shocking me a bit, I had never seen Molly this mad before but it was understandable considering they wanted to send her daughter thousands of miles away from her.

"Mrs. Weasley, the decision was either Azkaban or Nurmengard. I think you should be happy that your daughter will be guarded by our top aurors instead of dementors." Shacklebolt said stiffly.

"The decision is final, you will have the rest of the day to say your goodbye's. Harry Potter and the Weasley family should stay but the rest of you are dismissed." Shacklebolt said while making his way down from the stand, he met the Weasley's and I outside of the courtroom where he led us to his office.

Once everyone was inside, except Ginny who wasn't invited, Shacklebolt sat down in his chair before speaking;

"I'm required to inform you that each of you can visit Ginevra 3 times a year, and only three times. She cannot force you to come and you may not bring her any items whatsoever." He spoke as we all listened eagerly.

"And what is she wants to see her kids?" Molly asked annoying me a bit, it might sound selfish but I didn't want her to be all up in their lives when she wasn't going to be present.

"If is the wish of both her, Harry and the boys, they can visit her the three times a year that the rest of you can. Under one condition, Harry Potter has to be the one accompanying the boys as he is their legal guardian and therefore is the only one that can bring the boys to the prison until their 17th birthday." Shacklebolt explained making me relax a bit after seeing Molly's cunning look.

We talked for a bit more also discussing the new custody which made me lone guardian of the boys but with the twist that when Ginny came out again and the boys agreed to it she would get them every other week as it was intended.

I went back to the Malfoy Manor after finishing my last bit of paperwork from the office to find a very happy Draco sitting with both Scorpius and my boys in a couch drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream and enough marshmallows to fill a the sorting hat to the brim.
I accio'ed my camera and snapped a picture of them for a photo book i was making, it was meant for the boys to look in and remember their childhood.

"What's happening here?" I asked while trying to hide my laugh but failing miserably.

"Draco picked us up from Auntie 'mione and made us hot chocolate!" James said excitedly as he nearly spilled the cup from laughing so much.

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