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Draco pov
When we got home, I decided that I had to talk properly to Teddy, I sent the kids off with some snacks and they hurried to one of the living rooms where playing was heard soon after.

It had been a long time since I heard that sound consistently in this house, Scorpius hadn't said much before Harry and his kids came along.

Teddy and I went to his room to speak in private, we entered the room which as always looked so incredibly dull, and sat down on the bed.

"Teddy, I'm really sorry about your father but I don't quite believe that's all that's bothering you. You've seemed down since you went to Penzance, did anything happen that shouldn't?" Teddy avoided my gaze, classic.

"Yeah, something happened but I don't want to tell anyone about it. I'm not ready to, yet." Harry's intuition was right then, it worried me that he wasn't ready to talk about it.

"It's okay that you don't want to tell me Teddy, but please promise me that you will either tell me or Harry whenever you're ready." He only nodded to that, kept his gaze to the ground and avoided my gaze like it was the pest.

"I have thought about using this weekend to give you guys new rooms, what do you say we find a new one for you?" He looked at me confused.

"A new one?"

"Yes, one with a fireplace so that you can floo back here whenever you need a break. I've got one right beside the library that has a fireplace, it's also got a bathroom connected to it but it is a bit smaller than this one." The room he had previously shared with James was huge, compared to what they had at Grimmauld Place at least.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Bingo, something that makes him happy.

"Since Albus and Scorpius want to share a room, do you reckon James would want his own?"

"Do I look like James to you?" He changed his look as he spoke, now James' face was looking at me. Attitude, interesting...

"Fuck off tosser." He said as I walked out the door, I gave him the middle finger right back.
This is going great.

I found James in Scorpius' room, they looked like they were playing quidditch, or trying to...
I don't think they realised I was there, they continued playing until Scorpius bumped into me resulting in him falling and hitting his head lightly. He started crying, he always did, I'd gotten a sensitive boy. Without words I pulled him in for a hug, he cried a little before he stopped as I kissed him on his forehead. He crawled out of my arms before returning to his quidditch game.

"James, could I speak with you?" He nodded as he sat down beside me, he held some distance, fair enough.

"So Albus and Scorp wants to move in together, would you want your own room?" He thought about it for a bit, didn't say much.

"I don't want to sleep alone... Scared." Oh, didn't expect that answer.

"Where do you want to sleep then?" He didn't meet my eyes, he was acting weird about this in general.

"With daddy." Well, that kind of complicates my plans, but kids do come first, I guess.

"Okay, but daddy sleeps with me in my room. Are you okay with that?"

"I want daddy now." He started tearing up, shit this wasn't supposed to happen.
A simple conversation turned into waterfalls, wonderful.

"James, he'll be back tomorrow night. But for now, you'll have to be with me." He didn't exactly look happy at the thought, but accepted it.
He ended up with the conclusion that he did want his own room, but wanted to sleep with Harry. We could work around that, but it's kind of weird that he doesn't want to sleep alone.
I wanted to bother Harry about it, but he deserved his time off.

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