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3rd person pov
A week later...

Harry and Draco had stayed at Grimmauld Place for a week and just tried to sort out what and how they felt about each other before facing the rest of the wizarding world.

They had finally become boyfriend and boyfriend and decided that they would gradually tell family and friends but that the media didn't need to know anything about their relationship right now. They had also been discussing how to handle any backlash that their relationship would get considering they had been sworn enemies all their school life.

As of right now, they were packing up all their clothes to head back to Malfoy Manor where Lucius and Narcissa had taken care of the three boys for the last week, but before heading to Malfoy Manor they had to pick up Teddy from Platform 9 3/4 who was coming home for Christmas.

The date today was December 22nd, which meant that in three days they would be holding their first Christmas together and according to their plan, they'd announce their relationship to all guests invited. Lucius and Narcissa weren't exactly fond of the idea of having people such as Hermione and Ron over for Christmas but after Draco had a little talk with them, about how the house technically was his, they'd approved it.

This year the Malfoy Manor would house way more guests for Christmas than usual. Aside from the usual guests who were; Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius, Narcissa, Pansy and Blaise. The Manor would house Hermione, Rose, Luna, Neville, Dean, Seamus and Theodore this year too.

Ron, Hugo, George, Charlie and Bill had also been invited but they had kindly declined since they were going to the Burrow for Christmas. Hermione had written to Harry the following day explaining that Ron wished to celebrate Christmas with his family but since she wanted to go to Manor they had decided that Ron would take him and Hugo to the burrow while Hermione and Rose would go to the Manor.

Unbeknownst to Harry and Draco, Narcissa had already started with the Christmas decorations along with Lucius, James, Albus and Scorpius and as of now the house was already swimming in Christmas decorations in white, silver, black and green which followed the Malfoy colour palette.

Harry and Draco had now packed their clothes and used a simple spell to shrink the items so that they fit in their pockets, Harry made sure to lock up the house to a point where it was impossible to enter if you weren't Harry himself and then they were off to Platform 9 3/4.

Draco pov

Harry and I arrived at Platform 9 3/4 and stood by a pillar waiting for the train to arrive, numerous other parents and relatives were also waiting for their kids here in the cold weather. It was just around -2 degrees Celsius and all over the platform lay a ten-centimetre thick layer of snow. It didn't take long for me to notice the stares, people were probably wondering why their  golden boy was talking to a death eater, the thought made my stomach churn. These people could just never look past the fact that I was forced into becoming a death eater and doing things I didn't want to. Harry chatted happily with me even though I didn't answer that well, he seemed to get the hint and started glaring at all the people that were staring at us.

Moments later the train arrived and people quickly moved their attention from us to the kids arriving. We watched as kids pooled out of the train carrying their trunks and pets while running towards their parents.
Some older students politely greeted us as they walked by while heading towards their parents, as the train seemed to get emptier and emptier without Teddy showing up I could sense Harry getting nervous. 

"Where is he?" Harry asked nervously while trying to find his godson amongst all the students.

"He'll be here in a second, don't worry yourself too much." I told him while hesitantly putting my hand on his back.

Just as the last passengers got off the train we saw the iconic teal hair stick out from a sea of blondes and brunettes, Teddy told his friends goodbye before heading over to us.

"Hey Harry, hi Draco." Teddy greeted us as he reached us.

"Hey Teddy, took you quite a long time to get off the train today." Harry said as he pulled Teddy in for a hug.

"I was in the back and everybody else had to get off before me." Teddy said while yawning.

"I can hear you've been sleeping, excited about a break from school with James and Albus?" Harry said, I mentally noted that he didn't use the words Christmas or family.

"Yeah, I did promise Louis and Oliver to come visit though." Teddy said as started walking towards the floo.

"Your friends in London?" I asked wanting to join the conversation.

"Yeah, but they're in Penzance on a holiday break." Teddy spoke clearly, catching Harry by surprise as he stopped in his tracks.

"You expect me to drive you four hours to Penzance to visit them for a couple of hours?" Harry asked looking bewildered.

"No, I expect you to apparate me into their private forest on the 27th and walk me up the small road to their winter mansion, say goodbye to me and head home until January 2nd when you'll pick me up again." Teddy said talking slowly and clearly to make sure Harry understood, the sight was quite amusing.

"And when were you planning on telling me this?" Harry asked a little annoyed by the sudden plans.

"Today, which I did." Teddy said while Harry looked annoyed at him, before Harry could say anything I stopped him with a glare, no need to make a scene in public.

3rd person pov
At Malfoy Manor

They all arrived back at the Manor and were met by the younger boys who immediately charged at them, Lucius and Narcissa quickly greeted them before leaving for a well-deserved couple of days alone.

While Teddy went to unpack and the three youngest ran around doing whatever, Harry and Draco snuggled up in front of the fireplace with a blanket. The two of them were becoming more comfortable and used to the thought of them being in a relationship and even though no one knew about them, their bond was growing stronger and so was their love.

By nighttime all young souls were sleeping peacefully while Harry and Draco were reading together in the library, everything was peaceful with no media, scandals or judgemental people.

Word Count: 1085

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