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Harry pov

Today was the day of the beginning of the custody battle between Ginny and I, Hermione had promised to take care of James and Albus while we were at the Ministry and she was going to pick them up from Malfoy Manor in about an hour and I had first woken up now.

I slowly got out of the way too comfortable bed careful not to wake the sleeping Albus beside me, i opened the window to let in some fresh air but the sudden change in temperature seemed to wake Albus.

"Daddy it's cold, close the window." He groaned while turning in the bed. I went over to him scooping him up from the bed and holding him high in the air like Rafiki did with Simba in The Lion King. We both laughed before i put him down again, he was now wide awake and I hurried to put some clothes on him and some of his stuff in a bag for when Hermione came.

When Albus was clothed and done I went into Teddy and James' room only to find two sleepyheads laying in what would be the most uncomfortable positions.

"Rise and shine, It's Harry time!" I shouted making them both wake up with a groan.

"Stop using that freaking Sirius line everytime you wanna wake us!" Teddy shouted angrily as he threw his pillow at me, Remus had told me all about the marauders funny times a couple of days before the battle and when i got kids i had started using them.

"Get up you two, Aunt 'mione will be here in about 45 minutes to pick James up and you have to ready." I told them making them jump out of bed, picked out some clothes for James and helped him in it. Teddy got dressed too and helped me carry the bags downstairs, Teddy had been called in as a witness to all the times Ginny has let the boys down so he was going with me today and then he would join James and Albus at Ron and Hermione's house.

Hermione had offered to take care of "the mystery boy" too but Narcissa had informed me that she would take him instead.

I ate some quick breakfast with the boys and half an hour later Hermione stood outside the door patiently waiting for me to open up, but to her surprise Lucius beat me to it.

"Good morning Ms. Granger." He politely said as he opened the huge front door, I could see from my position she was honestly lost for words. 

"Good morning Mr. Malfoy, it's Mrs. Granger-Weasley actually." She said politely after some time. He nodded at her words and stepped aside to make space for Albus who ran to the door.

"Auntie 'Mione!" Albus giggled as he ran to her arms.

"Well hello to you Albus, where are you hiding James?" She giggled at him, he pointed inside and then me and  after that James, Teddy and I came into her view.
Lucius walked away slowly after to give us some privacy, she looked at me with questioning brows clearly waiting for an explanation.

"The mystery boy at my house was Draco's son." I said clearly making her more confused.

"We have to go now but we're going to talk soon." Hermione said before taking the boy's hands and walking towards the gate.

As soon as they were out of sight I closed the door and went towards the library, I had kind of forgotten that Teddy still was here until he called after me when I closed the door in his face. 
I quickly opened the door again and apologised while letting him in. He plopped down in the couch placed in front of the window, I sat down beside him and we sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before he started talking.

"What exactly do I have to do in this custody battle thing?" He asked while fidgeting his fingers.

"Well, I already have full custody of you as you are my godson and when Ginny and I got married I decided to not share the custody with her." I started before he interrupted by saying; "Good choice", I continued after a few seconds realising he wasn't going to continue.

"You've been called in as a witness which means that you can only talk you're spoken to, you'll just answer their questions which will most likely be about how the tone was at home and which parent did what and stuff like that." I explained to him, he took in all the information with and eagerly.

"But i was at Hogwarts when you had some of your fights." He said suddenly sounding very unsure.

"And if they ask you about something you don't know or you weren't home you'll just tell them that." I told him while pulling him in for a hug, he hugged me tight like he was telling me everything was going to be fine or maybe he tried telling himself?

3rd person pov
At the Ministry of Magic

Harry arrived at the Ministry along with Teddy through the floo network, they met the weasleys along with Dean and Seamus standing outside the courtroom waiting to be called in.

They were finally called in and as Seamus and the Weasleys, except Ginny, walked to the audience stands, the rest of the group walked in and sat down on the stools holding a piece of paper with their name on.

I had requested for the to only be restricted audience meaning only two reporters and the only audience allowed was those it actually concerned.

Everyone was talking as Shacklebolt got ready at the stand, he put down his papers before speaking into the microphone;

"Order in the court!"

Word Count: 940

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