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Draco pov
Fucking bitch Shacklebolt.
'Harry is the only guardian, therefore he is the only qualified to bring the Potter children to Nurmengard' My ass.
Why can't the idiot see the significance of the situation? And there's absolutely no way in hell I'll start begging and explaining Harry's trauma to that idiot.
Why does Harry even like him that much? He might be my boss but that doesn't change the fact that he is a fucking idiot. So fucking annoying. Should've just stayed at home and never gotten this job.

The Ministry will help you they said, just trust them they said. Idiots, the whole bunch of them.

There is another possible solution... Though it does involve falsifying my identity, breaking a couple of laws... I might need to ask Harry first.

"HARRY!" I might've slammed the door behind me when I walked through, it didn't take him long before he was walking down the stairs with a disapproving glare.
How could he still look like a freaking God? I need to piss him off more often if this is what I get.

"Dove, no need to shout." He put a hand on my shoulder as he reached me and pecked a kiss to my cheek, my shoulders relaxed instantly after being tense since I'd spoken with Shacklebolt.

"Now, what's bothering you love?" He held me close to his chest, always the mature one even when it was meant to be the other way around.

"Shacklebolt is killing me slowly, he won't let me take James to Nurmengard and now I hate him." He just chuckled as he held me even closer, he led us to the nearest couch and sat both of us down, never letting go.

"I'll go, it doesn't matter." No way in fucking hell, I nearly snapped my neck looking up at him.

"No, I'm not letting you. Look, the answer is quite simple. I know all about you; I'll take the polyjuice, look like you and bring James to Nurmengard. You won't have to dig up the trauma but James will still get to see his mother."


"No! You're not going, and that is final Harry James Potter." He just shook his head with a laugh, what was up with him? I am giving him the best possible solution.

"If they find out-"

"They won't! I'll pay the ministry to shush if necessary."

"Dray, you know the ministry isn't like that anymore."

"Harry, I grew up inside that ministry. Things haven't changed as much as you'd like it to." With that Harry went still, the truth is the thorniest rose of them all.
A long silence filled the room, he sat back against the couch looking out into the room, his arms still holding me tight.

"How- how did you grow up? You never told me anything..." Oh shit, did we really have to have this talk now?

"Let's just say you wouldn't last an hour in the world in which they raised me, I know you've had your battles as well but I don't think anyone could fathom what being an original Malfoy is like." I hate talking about this, I feel like i'm whining and Malfoys don't whine. It's pathetic really.

"I see your effort Draco, and you're doing amazing with all the boys even after all you've been through. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, though your view on the ministry does worry me."

"Every original person and their child in that ministry has ties to it, even if they claim they want change and a better world, it's all an act. Hell, even I do it, it's just how we were raised." He looked at me with disgust, or atleast that was what I assumed the emotion was.

"The world is tainted, it takes many tries to clean dirty water." What was that supposed to mean?

We let it go, the issue I mean, we ended up in the library reading in silence. It was comforting in a weird way, I didn't even think about where the kids were.

We sat in silence for hours, only disturbed once by an elf who brought our dinner to us.

"I'm going Draco, you can tag along if you want."

Word Count: 690


A short one this time, I don't know when the next one will be out since I've got exams on exams these next few weeks...

xx Loona

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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