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Draco pov
At the ministry..

"Nervous?" Harry asked me as we walked to the courtroom, i nodded which made him place a comforting hand on my back. His hand on my back felt weirdly nice, like more nice than whenever someone else did it. I would never admit it to Harry but the only reason i chose to work at the Auror department was because he was Head Auror, he's the only one from the "light side" except my friends that didn't absolutely despise me. 
Astoria always joked that if she wasn't in the picture I would probably end up with Harry, I'd never agreed with her but lately I have been questioning my sexuality.
Amazing work having these thoughts after your wife just died and you're on your way to put Potter's ex-wife in jail for attempting murder on your child, right now your sexuality should be the least of your problems.

We reached the courtroom and was about to walk inside when we were stopped by none other than Minister Shacklebolt himself, he looked a bit at me and Harry probably wondering why we arrived together before saying;

"I just want the two of you to know that Ms. Weasley has already made her statement and therefore it will only be Mr. Potter's statement, Mr. Malfoy's demands for a sentence, Ms. Weasley's reply to Potter's version and the Jury's decision meaning it will all be done today." Shacklebolt said making me confused. 

"Only be that? How much more is there usually at these things?" I asked, a shocked expression showing before i quickly covered it.

"Well you might remember your father's trial and how long that one took." Shacklebolt said with a stiff expression making me annoyed, Harry saw my expression and understood what was wrong as he told Shacklebolt;

"Don't stoop as low as bringing up someone's past in that tone." 

I mentally thanked Harry before following the now moving men into the courtroom where a honestly scared looked Ginny sat on the prosecution bench as stiff as a board, among the audience I saw people such as the Weasley's- nice time for them being here two times in the span of a week- I also saw the Greengrass family sitting beside my parents, it was their grandchild and nephew after all. Some reporters had also shown up but there wasn't a lot of people which was quite nice.

Harry lead me to where we would sit during the trial, it started soon after with Shacklebolt quickly explaining an oversimplified version of what happened before he called Harry forward as witness to hear his version.

"I had just been visited at my house Grimmauld Place and when my guest had left  i was about to go back to my living room where Scorpius was when I suddenly heard a female voice from there and since there was no women in the house I found it quite weird. I quickly realised it was the voice of my former wife who had visited uninvited and when I got into the living room I saw her holding Scorpius by the throat making him choke, she didn't even know who Scorpius was but she felt that his presence took away my focus from her and our kids so much that he just had to be gone. I stunned her and called down my godson Teddy from upstairs before bringing her here to the ministry." Harry said shocking me as I actually didn't know how it happened, I looked at my parents and in-laws to see an equally shocked look on their faces. The Weasley family also looked shocked but generally they looked more disappointed.

Shacklebolt also had a shocked expression for a split second before covering it up, he turned to Ginny to ask for her reply to this but she just shook his head signaling she had nothing to say to this.

"You mentioned a guest Mr. Potter, who was said guest?" Shacklebolt asked gaining everyone's attention again.

"I was babysitting Scorpius because his father Draco and grandparents had quite a lot on their plate following Astoria Malfoy's death, but that exact day Draco had come to visit his son after i had been babysitting him for a couple of days and then the incident happened right after he had left." Harry said making the Weasley's whisper among each other as they eyed Harry and I, i hated their looks but I couldn't quite shout at them could i?

"And Mr. Malfoy you have requested a 7 year sentence, isn't that right?" Shacklebolt said not really reacting much to Harry's last answer.

Harry sat down again as I walked up the stand while holding Scorpius in my arms, I heard one of the Weasley's say to another of them; "How could Ginny hurt such a cute baby?" which made me a little happy knowing even her own family was starting to question her.

"Yes, I have spoken with lawyers that I know and they've advised me, based on the case's factor, that I request a seven year sentence as it adds up with what the law says." I spoke, the jury started talking among each other. Murmur exploded amongst the audience but they were abruptly stopped when Scorpius started speaking into the microphone. 

"Daddy look!" Scorpius said while pointing at Ginny.

"What about her Scorp?" I asked him unsure what he would he say next.

"She make throat go ow ow, not nice daddy.." Scorpius said in this small voice that the microphone barely caught but everyone heard it, Ginny had never looked more guilty than she did right now and I mentally thanked Scorpius for choosing to talk right now.

"Don't worry Scorp, daddy's here now.." I said while holding my boy close. In that moment i didn't care about Ginny Weasley, Astoria's death or even what rumors would come out of this as long as my son was safe and got the justice he deserved, because this little boy deserved the world. I heard as the people in the stands started talking among themselves and how the cameras snapped picture after picture but I didn't care about any of that right now, it was just me and my boy till fate decided otherwise.
I was brought back from my little trance by Harry who softly shook me, when i was back in the now he pointed at Shacklebolt who apparently had tried talking to me.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy and mini Malfoy, the jury will now go talk about the case and then we will meet back here again in two hours for the jury's decision." Shacklebolt said dismissing the court.

We walked out of the courtroom and was soon met by both Astoria's parents and my own, Harry left for his office quickly after claiming he had some undone paperwork to finish but promised he would be back for when the sentence was read which made sense the sentence would change his custody stuff once again.

My parents and I went to a nearby café along with Astoria's family to get something to eat and talk while we waited for the two hours to pass, we all ordered different sandwiches, cakes and beverages and found a rather private table in the back. The seven of us sat in a comfortable silence only disturbed by background noises and the occasional words from a tired Scorpius who was currently resting at my side.

"Draco.. Can- can i hold him?" Astoria's mother asked me while looking dreamily at her grandchild, I didn't see anything wrong with it as she was his grandmother and probably missed him since she hadn't seen him for 2 years because of an argument her and Astoria, an argument they'd barely fixed before she died.

Mrs. Greengrass held Scorpius as he was made of diamonds and was shocked when he called her grandma, she looked up at me with a look of pure shock and adoration before asking me; 

"You taught him that i'm his grandmother?" She looked like she was about to cry and held Scorpius tighter than she did before.

"Even when you and Astoria fought you were always her mother and that's what she taught Scorpius, he knows what to call you all." I told them making them all a bit surprised like they couldn't believe Scorpius knew who they were.

"Who am I Scorpius?" Astoria's older sister Daphne asked him, Scorpius thought about it for a bit before saying;

"Auntie Daphy!!" He shrieked as he tried to get to her but he quickly stopped when Astoria's father asked him the same question Daphne had minutes before.

"Ganpa" Scorpius laughed and was now being swarmed by all three of the Greengrass's.

I took Scorpius back a few minutes later as I felt his social anxiety kick in, as soon as he got back by my side he started to calm down again.
The social anxiety was something we had gotten declared early as he didn't like new people and didn't want to socialise for more than a couple of hours at a time, Astoria had said even before we got to the doctor that it was probably social anxiety as she had suffered from it as a kid herself. 

She was right, as always.

Word Count: 1525

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