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*3 years later*

Harry pov

It's been three years now since I had my little breakdown over how I would ever be able to do this.

Safe to say, that concern is no longer there.

We broke the news about our relationship two years ago on my parents' death anniversary, we received some backlash but people quickly came around. Of course, there's still the occasional whisper or mention of death eaters when we walk past. Luckily it doesn't bother Draco anymore and he just ignores it.

We've also begun on the renovation for real now, using both Draco's and my savings.
Teddy's room was finished long ago, and he sometimes visits when Hogwarts becomes too boring or too much. Scorpius and Albus got to share a room after all, we connected two rooms so that they essentially do have their own, but they're just connected.
A total paradise for a couple of six-year-olds completed with an indoor jungle gym that they use a lot.
James eventually came around to having his own and after starting sessions with a hypnotist, his night terrors are now close to non-existent. It was Draco's idea actually and he quickly found the best one in the field, he'd spent nearly a month convincing me to let James try it out.
Draco has, in honour of his mother (Who is still alive, don't worry), really gotten into keeping the garden tip-top. Mazes, fountains, roses and every other thing that's got to be in an elite garden, we've got it.
Teddy is no longer teased about his inheritance either, his old roommate Nate ended up being expelled after it was discovered he'd broken his new roommate's legs while they were sleeping.
Good news is, he will no longer be a problem.

Draco had also gotten surprisingly close with Teddy, they're always down in the cellar making whatever Teddy has got for potion homework and the occasional polyjuice potion in between. Teddy was a prankster like my dad, like his own dad, I believed him to be the next marauder and nearly even made a bet with Draco that he would someday run Wizard's Wheezes along with George.

James had shown quite the affection for both quidditch and swimming, it made me happy that he could enjoy both wizard and muggle sports.

Draco and I, that's just a fairytale...

In other words, life is good.

A funny part about Draco and I's relationship reveal, or what you would call it, was that Pansy was over in a heartbeat with a basket for me filled to the brim with sweets and other nice stuff "to compensate for the emotional damage" I would get from being with Draco, and to piss Draco off even more, she compared him to the Weasleys now that he'd gone from having one kid to four, said he was expanding at the same rate they were.

He ghosted her for about two months after this.

She returned the favour with a smile and they only started talking like 6 months later.

Draco and I had made a to-do list of things we wanted to do with the house, as some sort of experiment together;

-Cellar renovation

-Potion lab upgrade

-Remove west wing incantation as my kids can't walk there alone, and I can only be there because I am the official partner of Draco. The magic is weird, old stuff that works in mysterious ways.

-Write Malfoy book (Draco)

And well... That's it, but it's still a lot to do while we both work full time and have three kids living at home and one who lives here part-time.

We'd also reached a point where we'd started to prioritize our relationship a bit more after we'd been working too hard, to the point of exhaustion, and started taking it out on one another.
But now, we're both on the same page about how our relationship has got to work.

I love him, I truly do. He's the moon to my sun, and nothing would get me to give him up.

"Dove?" His sudden hand on my shoulder shocked me, I only then realised that I'd completely dropped my book I'd been reading earlier and that all the kids, who were previously doing their homework, were long gone and I was completely alone the library.

"I must've zoned out, where are the kids?" He pecked a kiss to my cheek as he laughed, was I forgetting something?

"They're all ready, we've got to be at Platform 9 3/4 in half an hour. Teddy's done with his fourth year remember?" Oh shit, that was today.

"Give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready..."

Word Count: 750


Quite a short one today, but I felt it was getting too lengthy so there will most likely be some time skips here and there... But this will be the biggest one for a while, so don't worry ❤️✨

𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑤𝑠Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora