Q & A

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Battle of the Minds Pt 7.


"The next challenge shall begin in ten minutes. The staff, as well as the possible suspects listed on your notebooks shall be gathered together downstairs. When this challenge begins, you have thirty minutes to question your suspects as you see fit. However remember, other teams will be wanting to ask questions as well. There is no lapse in time. When the thirty minutes is up, you are expected to be finished and returning to your group. Choose the member of your team you consider the safest best to get answers. Choose wisely. Good luck."

"Wait, so who does that leave?" asked Hattori.

"Rinji, me, and Hakuba", stated Shinichi with a sigh.

"Allow me" said Hakuba, "Kaito, would you be my mouth for me on this?"

"Of course, Haku-chan", Kaito smiled, "just tell me what to say."

Hakuba smiled.


"Not a problem", Kaito replied back and grinned as the two walked side by side down the stairs. It was time to see what the suspects had to say about the murdered man and would their reasoning be enough to let them loose of suspicion or would it only bury them deeper underground?

'My turn', Hakuba grinned.

He wasn't about to let anything get past him.


NOTE*Anything Hakuba says in this, is actually spoke out loud by Kaito AND throughout this you will see people reacting in different ways while being questioned. They are all actors and actresses and have been told to act a certain way regarding their character about different things ~ they all know exactly what they are doing.

"Game begins now. You have thirty minutes. Good luck."

Hakuba started off his questions with the Secretary. She was standing in the far corner of the room when he had entered. Her posture spoke of someone frightened and her face was downcast, saddened. Kaito cleared his throat to catch her attention. She looked up and smiled grimly, "Good evening, Kuroba-kun."

"Evening, Ms. Secretary", he said back with a smile, "Would you mind answering a few questions for me?"

"I suppose", she whispered with a sigh.

Hakuba watched her. She was a very good actress. He recognized her to be the waitress from their dinner challenge last night.

"Where were you around 12:10pm?"

"I was getting a cup of coffee from the kitchen. The master like's coffee as well as I do, so I got him a cup. When I got back to my desk, I noticed a missed message on my phone. I sat the coffee cup down on my desk and listened to the message. It was from the owner's brother. He wanted to tell the master that he was going to be late coming home. His university professor wanted a word with him after class. I went in to tell the master about the message and that was when I found the body."

"Where was the body?" asked Hakuba.

"He was laying on the floor, a little underneath his desk."

"What did you think of your boss?"

"Well, I suppose I thought he was an interesting man. I liked him well enough, though sometimes he could be a bit..."

"A bit...?"

"Well, he had a tendency to be a little overprotective with his wife and brother. It annoyed them to no end, and I have to admit, I wasn't crazy about it either."

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