The Brave and the Bold

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NOTE* Hey, I just want to do a quick shout out to all firemen and police! You guys are fantastic! Thank you so much for all you do!

Now enjoy the story everyone!

Chapter Forty-Eight:

The Brave and the Bold

Kaito gasped in a breath, his throat stinging from the smoke. Shinichi was still out cold beside him. For the past ten minutes he had begun to slowly hyperventilate, his fear of being trapped and dying in the dark was beginning to eat away at his senses. Then there was the fact that he could literally feel Hakuba bleeding out through their mental connection. The other had also begun to not pass out, something that was making his panic rise more and more, because if Saguru passed out, it meant the blood loss had become serious. Very serious.

The sound of digging had begun about the same time his panic had begun. He knew help was coming, but he was scared. Scared of what would happen they were located. He was scared of what they would find when his legs were seen too by doctors. He was scared to face reality.

"K-Kaito" came the weak voice of Hakuba, "It's okay...don't be afraid."

Kuroba felt a sting of guilt. He hadn't meant to worry Hakuba who obviously didn't need anything else to be concerned about right now.

"Can anyone hear me?!" came a muffled voice through the layers of debris above him.

Kaito could feel the dirt raining down on him as he looked up, trying to see if he could make out any kind of movement or sunlight up above. So far it was only darkness.

Coughing out the smoke from his lungs, he called out the best he could from his burnt throat, "I'm here!"

"...We hear you! Hang on kid, we are coming!"

Kuroba coughed into his left hand, startled when he saw the blood there. No doubt his throat and lungs were worse off than he imagined. He just hadn't known because he hadn't been speaking.

"They are coming Hakuba" he whispered into his mind.

His heart fluttered when he didn't receive a response back.


Still nothing.


His panic rose to higher levels as he listened for any sound his friend could possibly make, but he heard nothing. His breathing sped up as a bright light all at once burst into view, temporarily blinding him.

"I can see them!" yelled voices.

The concerned face of a fire fighter cut into his line of sight as he peered several feet down at where the two teens laid. The man noticed the beam and frowned. It wouldn't be easy moving it. They would more than likely have to cut it.

"Get me a rope!" the man yelled, "I am going down there."

The firefighter tossed the rope down first, the end falling right near Kaitos right arm. As the man shimmied down, he grimaced the closer he got, noticing the details of the two boys. The first one laid trapped beneath a large beam, his legs no doubt cut off of circulation. The boy's right arm was mangled looking and his skin was pale and clammy. He noticed the blood around the boys lips which almost hid the blue tint to his lips and fingertips. Oxygen deprivation.

He turned his attention to the second teen who leaned against the wall, his brown hair matted with blood and his breath rising and falling shallowly. He had no doubt the large crack across his head had caused a concussion of some degree and with the boy being asleep, he was concerned about possible permanent brain damage.

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