Sweet Dreams

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Chapter Fifty-One:

Sweet Dreams




Hakuba blinked rapidly as his eyes opened. The constant noise around his head had woken him, but a gentle hand on his forehead pressed him down, telling him not to move.

"B-Baaya", he whispered.

Her gentle smiling face peered down at him.

"Rest easy, Saguru", she whispered to him as she leaned down, kissing his nose like she had when he was a child, "Everything will be okay. I am here, so rest dear child."

Saguru smiled, his eyes tired as he leaned into her touch.

"Saguru", she whispered.

"Saguru", the voice said again, but the octave changed.

"Saguru?" a deep voice asked.

Hakuba opened his eyes, staring in surprise to see his father standing there.

"D-Dad" he whispered.

"Easy son", he said as he pushed him back down.

"Why are you here? Where is Baaya?"

His father frowned.

"Baaya is dead, Saguru", he stated rather sharply, a fresh pain in his eyes.

Hakuba stared at him a moment before everything rushed back. He let himself fall back against the bed as he closed his eyes. It had all been a dream.

"Saguru, you were in an explosion at the local university while working a case. Does this ring a bell?"

Hakuba nodded as he groaned, running a hand over his tired eyes.

"What happened to the others?" he asked, turning to his dad.

His father thought for a moment before shrugging.

"I don't know about all of them, but I did hear about your friend...Kuro-something?"


"That's it. Yeah, he just got out of surgery about an hour ago."

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know. You were the only one I really cared to hear anything about."

Hakuba frowned. He hated his father's cold, unsympathetic side, but it no longer surprised him.

"I will ask the nurse next time she is in then", he whispered more to himself than his father, "Why are you here?"

"What? You want to pay for all of this alone?" he asked somewhat cockily, "I came to ensure my son got the proper care."

Hakuba scoffed but didn't say anything. He knew he needed his dad's help, but it didn't mean he had to like it. In fact, he down right hated anything the man had to offer him.

"I called your mother", his father stated.

Hakuba turned to him in shock. His parents never talked, ever. Not since the divorce unless they just had too.

"I told her about your condition. I knew she would kill me if I hadn't. She told me to tell you she expected you to visit her sometime soon and to get better fast. She is worried about you."

Hakuba didn't reply to this statement. True, he loved his mother more than his father in many ways, but honestly neither were what he would consider true parents. If anything, they were more like distant "older siblings", or at least that was how they treated him in a lot of cases. They acted like his existence was merely an accident instead of something they had planned. He was just glad his mother had decided to keep him, rather than abort him as his father had originally suggested. This wasn't exactly something he told just anyone about though. It was also one of the reasons he hated his father. One of many.

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