Friendly Stranger

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Chapter Forty-Seven:

Friendly Stranger

Izumi Naoko is a twenty six year old medical student at Tokyo University. After eight long years of college, she was finally about to graduate in a few months. It was almost like a dream, with how unreal it felt after such a long time. She would finally be a doctor like her father!

Izumi had just stepped out of the labs building when several explosions were heard coming from the south side. Taking off in an attempt to help should there be injuries, she raced down the sidewalk towards the auditorium. She slowed to a stop as her eyes took in the damage. It was tremendous.

Everywhere she looked she could see fires breaking out. The auditorium looked like it hadn't even existed with the amount of debris lying around, only a fourth of the structure still standing. She could tell from the sway it wouldn't be standing for too long though. The thing was ready to fall at the slightest breeze, or so it seemed to her.

Other buildings were the same way around it, the blast having taken out chunks. How in the world could this of happened? She wondered to herself. The sound of sirens pulled her from her thoughts as she watched dozens of police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks roll through the streets, trying to access the situation. She heard whispers of "purposely set" and "tons of casualties" and "Terrorist act". Why would someone purposefully attack a campus of students?

"...Help me..."

Izumi startled around, looking for the source of the voice calling for help.

"Hello?" she called out, "Can you hear me? Where are you?"

"...I need you... please....!"

"I can't see you."

"...Can you hear me?!" came the voice.

"I don't see you", she whispered as she walked around, looking for someone who was perhaps injured and lying on the ground, calling for assistance. He sounded young, whoever he was.

"...Auditorium..." the voice replied.

Startled, yet intrigued, she walked towards the standing remains of the auditorium. As she did, the voice she was now sure was coming from her own head was beginning to get stronger, more clear.

"If you can hear me, we are trapped in the Auditorium. We need help! I need you to go and tell rescue workers about us, please! Help me save my friends! I beg of you, if you can hear me..."

The voice continued to chant this in her mind as her eyes widened. Someone was seriously in her head! And that same someone was trapped under the auditorium?! Closing her eyes, she didn't know if it would work, but she began to concentrate in an attempt to talk to the person contacting her.

"C-Can you hear me?" she whispered in her mind.

"...I can", came the response, sounding very much relieved, "Will you help me?"

"I will do anything I can to assist you. My name is Izumi, I am a university medical student."

"Izumi-chan, thank you so much! I have been trying for almost half an hour to reach someone. My friends and I are trapped beneath the auditorium and not doing so well medically."

"Can you tell me your situation?" she asked, her professional dictation coming out as she listened to the voice closely.

"My name is Saguru Hakuba, I am a detective, age 17. I am with three other boys the same age as me and an FBI agent. We were meeting in the auditorium when the explosions went off. We tried to get to the back but was cut off when the roof began to fall in."

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