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NOTE* Once again, I want to give another shout out! All Medical men and women, thank you so much for all you do! Truly, thank you.

Enjoy the continuation of the current Arc!

Chapter Forty-Nine:


Dr. Yui Shota had been on duty for a good seven hours. She was desperately wanting to go home as exhaustion literally stole all excess energy away. The hospital had been abuzz with activity and she was wiped out.

"We just got another call Doctor, a series of explosions were set off at Tokyo University. Those injured have been split up between different hospitals, but they are sending us some rather extreme cases. They should be here within the hour."

Dr. Shota sighed as she nodded and headed towards the emergency room. Exhausted as she was, she was also concerned about the wellbeing of those students. Had someone purposely set explosives or was it caused by an accident? A gas leak perhaps?

The arrival of one of the ambulances cut her mental inquisition off as she watched the doors fly open, two EMT's passing through the doors rising on a gurney as they pumped air into the lungs of what looked to be a young teenage boy. His face was pale and his brown hair soaked through beneath a layer of crusted blood.

"What do we have?" she asked as she quickly speed walked beside of the gurney. The EMT pushing the cart began answering her.

"Male, age 17, several trauma to the head. He was trapped underneath the auditorium and was subjected to hours of smoke. He has been unconscious for nearly an hour and a half."

"Alright, get him to trauma room one, I will take a look at him."

They didn't waste time as they headed there almost immediately. She watched them go before she turned back to the doors. Another doctor, Dr. Malcom Rogers, a medical professional from America met the other ambulance.

"How's he holding up?" he called as they rushed another teenager by her. She caught a glimpse of his blonde hair before he vanished from sight, heading towards trauma room two.

"This is going to be a long night", she whispered to herself as she headed for her own patient, grabbing a new pair of latex gloves along the way.


In the ambulance, heading towards the hospital was another of the teens. His usually dark skin was nearly white as medical staff worked on him. His breathing was shallow, his heart rate was low and his blood pressure had nearly bottomed out.

"We are losing him" called one of the EMT's who was holding a bandage to the boy's chest. They had recently removed a large iron post from him and it nearly killed the teen. It couldn't have been helped though. It had to come out if they wanted any chance at getting him out of the debris he was covered by.

"Hang in there!" one of them yelled as he squeezed oxygen into his lungs. The last thing he wanted to see was someone so young die so soon. He himself had a brother about the kid's age, maybe a bit older and he refused to let this guy die without fighting hard on his behalf.

"Hang in there kid", he whispered desperately into the boy's ear, "Hang in there, please."


Hayate breathed a sigh of relief as he and Ryuu finally cut through the last of the beam pinning the teen down. Carefully picking it up together, they set it to the side. Kaito who was now only half conscious couldn't even feel the difference. He still felt trapped.

Bloody RoseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant