Soul Desire

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Chapter Fifty-Two:

Soul Desire

Kaito snapped open his eyes. He took in the white void around him as he peered at the surrounding environment. A slight tug on his hand had him looking to the right where Hakuba was fading into view, his hand in Kaitos.

"Are you okay?" he whispered to his friend.

Hakubas own eyes snapped open at the sound. He looked around, like Kaito had before nodding and turning to glance at the teen.

"Yeah, where are we?"

"This is the Mind's eye, or what I like to call the eye of the storm. It's here that we can choose our path."

"I don't get it", Hakuba said, his eyebrow raising.

Kaito sighed. This was going to take a lot to explain.

"Alright, it's like this Hakuba. In each of our minds, we have an area that we go to when we space out or think of nothing. That is here. When we wish to think about something, we choose a built in door to go through that leads our thinking down a certain path. It's kind of like a filing system almost for memories and thoughts."

"So, we are in Hattori's mind?"

"Right. He is in a coma, so he can't actually think of anything right now. Therefore we were put here, where his mind decides which door to go through."

"So how do we get him to think about something?"

"We have to choose the right door", stated Kaito as he swung his arm, indicating the doors that Hakuba hadn't noticed until he pointed them out.

"How do you know about this?" he asked curiously.

"With my ability, I can see into someone's soul and desires. Often times, their soul is connected to their inner most memories, thoughts, and fears. So when I connected before to people, I could see...their past memories. In other occasions however, because of my ability to foresee, I sometimes mix the past with the future. It's all very confusing, but ... just take me at my word that I know about these things."

Hakuba wasn't going to argue with that. He honestly decided it might just be best to follow Kuroba's lead on this and not dig deeper. He didn't think his mind could take much more supernatural mumbo-jumbo than it had already seen in the past month.

"If I would wager a guess...Hattori's subconscious is probably somewhere it's most comfortable. More than likely, somewhere it believes it's safe, almost like a hiding place."

"And where do you think that is?"

"Well, let's think about what we know of Hattori. His best friend is Kudo. His dad is a chief of police and his girlfriend is his classmate and the daughter of a close friend and a detective."

"So you think his girlfriend?"

"It's possible."

Kaito walked through the white void, looking at each door intently, as though looking through them. When he stopped, it was in front of a red colored door.

"Is this it?" Hakuba asked reaching for it.

"Yeah, but..."

Hakuba turned the handle, but it was locked.

"That's why I didn't try to open it. There is a key for it, but I am not sure...where it is."

Kaito crossed his arms to his chest and frowned as he looked around. Hakuba watched him for a while before sitting down cross legged on the floor...or what he assumed was the floor. Honestly it all looked like whiteness to him. The doors also were just kind of ...there. He wondered how Kaito even knew his way around. Then again, his ability to connect to people went deeper than Hakubas.

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