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Chapter Fifty-Four:


"Ughrrjrkrhek" came the distorted noise from the hospital bed.

All night, Shinichi had been sleeping in the chair beside the bed, desperate for any sign that Hattori was waking. Kazuha had also been waiting there in the room for the past several hours. He had only just sent her down to get something to eat with Ai and Agasa when the noises started. He wouldn't necessarily call it snoring, but he would consider it a step towards improvement.

Speaking of improvement, he couldn't help but want to laugh every single time a doctor or nurse wandered into the room to "check" the patient. It was more like they were coming to prove to themselves that Hattori was truly healing and not just a natural healing, but miraculously even closing up his wound in a matter of mere hours. It had officially been called a Miracle by the hospital staff and none of his friends disputed the fact, because honestly, scientific drug or not, his chances at survival hadn't been high, so yeah...even they considered it a miracle.

"He awake yet?" came the usual nagging voice in his head.

For the past hour since the snores had started, Hakuba and Kuroba both had been nagging him about letting them know when Hattori finally woke up. No doubt they wanted to be some of the first people to greet him. Even if it was just in his mind.

"Not since the last time you asked me, literally, five minutes ago", he snapped at them.

They stayed silent.

Sighing, he shook his head as he leaned forward in his chair. Hattori's pale features had considerably darkened throughout the night, too which Ai said it was a good thing, because it meant his blood was circulating better.

"When do we know if it somehow changed him?" asked Shinichi when she had been expanding about his condition.

"When something happens", she merely said and walked out.

Got to love her sarcasm, he thought to himself bitterly before standing up and stretching. His head still hurt like nobody's business, but the hospital made sure he regularly took his meds. It seemed like even though he was released, so long as he remained there, they were going to mother over him.

"Any change?" asked a female voice.

He turned to see Hattori's lead doctor and surgeon, Dr. Aiko Masamoni standing there. She was the chief surgeon of Tokyo Hospital and had been immediately put on Hattori's case when they learned of his chest injury. Apparently that is her specialty.

"He started snoring about an hour ago", he informed the doctor.

He liked her quite a bit. She was serious without being cold, and optimistic, without being overwhelming. Definitely his kind of person.

"That is really good news", she responded with relief, "that means he is finally out of the coma. If he is snoring, it won't be long before he wakes up. No doubt his body needs to rest first."

"Is a coma hard on your body?"

"Very. The body is fighting to do what it needs to, while the mind doesn't want to work with it at all. If you want, think of it like this: You are riding a bicycle and while your feet are continuing to pedal, your wheels refuse to move."

"I see..." Shinichi nodded as he looked back at his friend, "glad to see he finally got his wheels moving again."

"Yeah before they get rusty", she joked, but Shinichi noticed the truly appreciative and relived smile. He found himself liking this doctor more and more.

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