Unique Request

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NOTE* So I know I tend to lean towards the touchy-feely moments, but I love the feel-goodz a lot :[ However, I decided that we all needed a break from that genre. This here is my attempt at comedy, I do hope you enjoy it! Let me know how it turns out!

Chapter Forty-One:

Unique Request

Everything seemed to go back to normal for the most part after that night. Kaito and Ranmaru began talking more, but they both knew it would never be like it was when they were children. Those times had passed and while they were aiming to once again be friends, Kaito had Hakuba now as his new brother, someone he cared for and who needed Kaito as much as Kaito needed him. As for Shinichi, he was finally settling into his role as Shoichi Kiyomi. He had even joined the book club and occasionally goes out to practice with the soccer team, though he refused to join because it took too much after school time. Time that he wanted to spend researching anything and everything that might help with the upcoming takedown. All they were waiting on was the word from Vermouth.

Everything was going smoothly until Hattori arrived on the train, panting hard, his eyes desperate as fell to his knees in front of the three teenage boys.

"I need your help!" he cried.

Kaito, Hakuba, and Shinichi all stared at him.

"So it's like this", Hattori began an hour later when he was finally calmed down and drinking a mug of coffee that Shinichi had been kind enough to provide, "I sort of got into an argument with Kazuha about how she was always flirting with guys and she told me it was just because I was jealous that the only girl I had to hang around with was her. I argued I knew plenty of girls and she argued I didn't, so I kind of threw out a few names and she called me a liar."

"And? What does this have to do with the favor you wish to request of us?" asked Hakuba.

Kaito smirked. He knew where this was going and he could tell from Shinichi's red face that he had figured it out as well.

"Well...I sort of made a bet with her that if I brought some girls with me to her party this weekend that she would go with me on a date and do anything I wanted her to do. Even go so far as to watch a baseball game with me and eat junk food."

"What did she ask for in return?" Kaito asked, a large grin on his face.

"Err...she said I have to give her my cell phone for a week and attend a ballet with her. I cannot attend a ballet! And I need my cell phone! I live off the thing! What if I get a call from the police about a case?!"

"Again, your point in coming here?" asked Hakuba who had started to slowly see where this was going and he wasn't at all happy about it.

"Could you...possibly...maybe just a little...consider going with me to her party this weekend dressed up as girls?" he squeaked out, his voice going quieter and quieter the more the three stared at him flatly, their faces showing how much of an idiot they believe him to be at the moment.

"Let me get this straight. For an argument that you caused and for a bet you made, you want us to be the ones to suffer punishment and help you escape losing the bet?" asked Hakuba as he rubbed the bridge of his nose in irritation.


Hattori closed his eyes, waiting for the string of refusals he had imagined would come, but he was a little surprised and suspicious when the three just continued to stare at him in thought.

"You're not...saying no?" he asked in complete disbelief.

"We are not exactly saying yes, either", Hakuba replied as he glanced at the others, all of them sharing a conversation mentally that Hattori couldn't hear.

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