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Chapter Forty-Six:


Hattori groaned as he blinked his eyes trying to get the haze to vanish from his eyesight. Slowly he started to sit up, only to stop when his head began to throb with a vengeance. Gasping in a breath, his chest tightened in pain and he lowered himself back down to the ground.

"Heiji?" whispered a voice from a way away.

Hattori tipped his in the direction of the voice and attempted to make out who had said his name. Everything was blurry and he couldn't seem to focus.

"Hattori, can you hear me?" the voice called again.

He recognized that voice. Who did it belong to? It was someone he knew. It was... It was...

"Ha...ku...ba", he got out before he was forced to start coughing.

His entire throat felt like sandpaper, but he was shocked that when he had started coughing he felt something wet fly out of his mouth. The pain was extreme as his breathing and coughing rattled his chest.

"D-Don't try to talk", said the voice, "You are...in bad shape."

"W-what is wrong?" he whispered, luckily not triggering another coughing fit.

"I will speak to you mentally. Serious, Heiji, don't talk."

"Can you hear me?" asked a voice in Hattori's head.

"Y-yeah", he responded.

"What hurts?"

"E-Everything", he laughed, "My head, my throat, my eyes, my chest, my stomach..."


"What can you see?"

"It....It doesn't look good Hattori."

"Tell me."

"You have a large piece of sharp metal sticking through your chest and you have a lot of blood from a head wound. That's all I can make out from where I am."

"W-What about you?"



"I have a broken leg I think..."

"How bad?"



"It's pretty bad."

"How bad is that?"

"It's a compound fracture"

Hattori was silent. That was really bad. It means the bone was sticking through the skin and he was losing blood at a high rate. At least with his own injury so long as he didn't move the metal would keep the blood from pouring. At the moment, both of them were in critical condition and if they didn't get help soon...Hakuba would be at risk first.

Another thought struck Hattori all at once.

"What about Shinichi, Kuroba and the FBI lady?"

"I tried reaching out to them, but so far nothing. I think they are all unconscious at the moment."

"Great", whined Hattori, "I hope they are only unconscious."

"..." Hakuba was silent for a moment, "You and me both, Hattori-kun."

Hattori closed his eyes as the pain from his head spiked.

'Please Kudo...be alive' he thought as he drifted into an uneasy sleep.

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