My little introduction

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Hello there everyone thank you for being interested in my dumb little story this will probably only be a few chapters unless you guys really like this also for Leatherface I'm using both Thomas and Bubba bc I love them both and you can't have one without the other lmao.
And for Ghostface I'm using Danny Johnson from Dead By Daylight and both Stu and Billy Soo have fun with the goofy Ghostface trio lol
Y/N is Gender-fluid so you can give them what ever pronouns you want I don't mind.
But anyway have fun reading I hope you guys like my first Fanfic!!

Oookayyy guys this is very random but it needs to be said,
Whomever came up with the great idea of Slashers needs there ass ate bro.

Strange Love - Slashers x reader Where stories live. Discover now