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Okay soooo I know I'm taking forever but just to let you all know there should be some chapters released here soon, I keep rewriting them and it's pissing me off but there may be some fun stuff ahead.

Also I was watching a few Scream movies the other day and I'm so mad I JUST NOW REALIZED THAT I'VE BEEN SPELLING STU'S LAST NAME WRONG AND I WANNA CRY 😭 like I'm so mad!!!

But anyyyywhoo love you all thanks for all the reads like damn guys I wasn't expecting that, also when this gets more chapters I think I'ma rewrite some of the first chapters bc I don't like them but they will still be somewhat the same. Or I might just remake this with you guy's help but it's up to you all, if I do rewrite this I'll obviously keep the original so you guys don't yell at me lol.

Adding something else to this, I'm going to stop adding descriptions and pics of the clothing that Y/n wears since not everyone agrees with the outfits so then you all can just pick out whatever you all want to wear.

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