Chapter 12

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You walk out in front of Brahms but before you could walk any closer to the others he grabs your arm gently giving you a pleading look for you not to go any further

"Brahms if it makes you feel any better you know you can come to."

You say quietly looking back at him with a soft smile.
He nods his head in acknowledgement and nudges you to move forward. You grab his hand and pull him along with you walking towards the others.

Michael stands there glaring daggers into everyone and then looks over to you and Brahms walking down the hall. You freeze up when you notice Michael looking at you all you can do is stand there frozen in place.

"Sooo new roommate?"

Stu says and all you do is give him a quick glair and then you speak up.

"Oh my god I swear if I have to take care of one more man child I'm leaving."

You say jokingly trying to lighten up the tension between Michael's death glair, and they all turn to you.

"I'm kidding jeez, don't look at me like that. Anyway Michael why the hell are you in my house."

You say looking at Michael waiting for a response, then he pulls out a musty looking notepad and a pen from one of his pockets and writes something down. Then mammoth of a man slowly starts walking towards you and you stiffen up a little trying to keep it together, Brahms noticed your sudden tension and held your hand a little tighter you felt a little more relieved at his kind gesture and you squeeze his hand back as if telling him that it's okay.
Michael is now standing a few feet in front of you now and he reaches his arm out towards you handing you the notepad you take it slowly and you look down noticing that his writing looks kinda like chicken scratch but you quickly make out what it says because your writing isn't the best either.

'Looking for place to stay for while.'

You read what it says handing the notepad back to him and you sigh.

"Alright big guy, if I let you stay you have to promise to behave and not start shit unless it's needed."

You say to him staring into his eyes which were a very pretty light blue, but you were a little embarrassed to tell him that. He nods his head, yippee yet another killer in your house although your not mad, well you are because the bitch broke your window but you have plenty of room for him to stay so you don't really care that much just until he steps or kills you in your sleep.

OMG I'm literally gonna baby them all😭✌️

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