Chapter 11

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You just look back at them all and smile, D is hiding behind Billy because of the joke you made about beating him up lmao.

"Soo are you guy's gonna say anything or are you just gonna stare at me?"

You say in a sassy tone but stifle a laugh along with it.

"Hmm, I don't think you'd let us stare long enough without trying to beat us up."

Billy says, him and Stu laugh along with you.

"Damn right."

You say in a joking tone while laughing and walk off not even caring for a answer back.
A little while later your sitting at the kitchen counter with your box of nail polish, thinking that it would be fun to paint yours and the others nail's, maybe this would be nice bonding time with them all. You call them all in and you can hear them all running down the hall and you can't help but laugh. You watch as they all come into the room.

"Okay sooo, I was thinking that maybe it would be fun if I painted your guys's nails."

You say looking over at them with a smile on your face.


Stu says cheerfully and runs over and sits next to you happily like a little puppy. Billy follows happily along with the others as they all sit around you, Brahms and Norman looking at you with curious looks.

"Alright! Okay now you guys can pick out your colors."

You say cheerfully pushing the box of nail polish towards them.

They all pick out their colors, the Ghostface's are fighting over the black and Brahms goes with pink and Norman decides on blue.
You start with D while cheerfully chatting about some random stuff, also noticing Stu and Billy doing each other's nails and you chuckle to yourself.
While finishing up on Norman's last finger, you hear a crash from down the hall and you jump quickly pulling your hand up so you don't mess up Norman's nails, everyone either quickly looks down the hall or gets up and starts walking cautiously down the hall. You put the cap back on the nail polish you were holding and you put it down and start walking down the hall following the others. Brahms stops suddenly and you run into him with a oof sound and he turns around startled a little but calms down as he sees it's just you. You grab onto the sleeve of his sweater and peer around him looking down the hall and spotting out the other four men standing a little farther ahead and then you spot Michael standing in front of a broken window beside your front door.

"Well damn Y/n your a fucking Slasher magnet"

You mumble to yourself a little frustrated with the situation.

"Mikey if you wanted your nails painted you could have just asked."

You hear D say and you just sigh knowing he most definitely wouldn't keep his mouth shut about Michael Myers standing in front of him.

Hahaha gay.

Love you guys stay safe losers!!❤️

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