Chapter 17

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Y'all I need to pick up the pace geez I'm lacking on writing this.


"Well shit. What are we gonna do now?"

You say being a slight smart ass and acting stumped on what to do now not being able to see the mystery person, your about to say something else until more rustling is heard from behind makes you and the boys on either side of you jump.

"It's definitely a giant cat."

Stu said trying to "help" the situation.


You whisper yell at Stu whom is currently trying to make side jokes to brighten the situation but it's not really working.

Michael being the protective pain in the ass he is shoves Brahms, Norman, and D farther behind him so now he's the one in the front (Michael starts barking... sorry lmao) still trying to search for the figure across the lake and looking for the source of the rustling, just as he turns his head to look back across the lake a giant hulking figure comes out of nowhere and stands in front of the small group.

You make a startled squeak sound and Stu wraps his arms tightly around you as  Billy slowly gets up to stand with the others.
Peeking aside everyone you start taking in the figure, you see their wearing a hockey mask, a green jacket thing with a black shirt underneath and dark jeans their also HUGE and holding a machete that has old dry blood on it. Definitely a scary situation were in but there's plenty more where that came from.

Anyways your sitting there shaking and startled in Stu's arms and the scariest thing at the moment isn't even the giant man standing in the front of the group it's Michael giving this guy a death glare. Your sure you see the man shiver a bit but it could just be you because it only happened for a split second.

"S-soooo uhm-"

Your cut off by Michael looking back at you with his famous death glare so all you can really do is give him a half smile and hope he chills out even if it's only for a minute. The man in front of your group lifts his machete up a little and takes a small step back as him and Michael continue the deadly staring contest.

D slowly moves back and make his way over to you 'uh oh here comes the fangirl' you think to yourself jokingly. (we love Danny he slays so hard)
He looks at you with a concerned expression and continues over, stoping to sit in front of you and Stu.

"You all right?"

He says reaching his hand over to lightly place it on the side of your face as he gently strokes your cheek.

"U-umm yeah I'm good, but I don't think I'm the one you should be entirely worried about."

You say nudging your head at Stu, which currently has his arms holding you tightly in a protective manner and his face is snugged into the crook of your neck.
The sight of Stu being the biggest baby over you makes D give out a quiet chuckle and makes you laugh a little too. Stu glanced up to
Look at you and D, then he turns his gaze to to the guy at the front of the group.

"So what's he want?"

Stu says with a bit of attitude. You lightly elbow him in the side giving him a quick glare.

"Be nice, mother hen over there is sorting it out."

You motion over to Michael and give a sarcastic eye roll.

"So Michael who's the new guy?"

Michael looks over and give and overly exaggerated sigh and grabs his notepad and pen out of his pocket.
He starts writing down something and then gives the notepad to Norman so he can pass it back to you
The notepad read:

'ʰⁱˢ ⁿᵃᵐᵉˢ ʲᵃˢᵒⁿ, ʷᵉʳᵉ ⁱⁿ ʰⁱˢ ᶜᵃᵐᵖ'

"Oh, OHH. You must be Jason Voorhees then. Uhh welcome to the slasher squad."

The realization hit you like a brick, but you laugh it off and give him a light nervous smile. Also Stu and Billy are chuckling about the slasher squad joke.

I'm genuinely so sorry for this long wait I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and make sure you tell me who you wanna see next.


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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