Chapter 9

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You all start heading out the door but you stop and tell the Ghostface's that your going for a walk you say cya later and skip out the door to meet up with Norman and Brahms. You link arms with the two of them and start walking towards a trail that you know quite well since you enjoy being outside a lot and you've gotten to know your way around this place quite well.

Your at least ten minutes into your walk and you've been making conversation by asking the men some harmless questions like their favorite colors and stuff like that, and then Brahms stops dead in his track's and frantically starts looking around. You and Norman kind of have to stop to since you arms are linked with both of them.

"Brahmsy what's wrong why'd you stop?"

You say questioning his sudden stop.


He says still looking around but less frantic about it.
You stand there silently waiting for an answer then you turn to Norman and he looks at you with a confused expression and tilts his head. You shrug your shoulders not knowing what's going on either. Then the next thing you know your being picked up bridal style by Brahms and he then says something to Norman that you didn't quite  catch, and he's now speed walking back towards the house with Norman by you guy's side.

You were going to question what was going on but you will just ask them later when they're calmed down. You look over Brahms's shoulder just as you were approaching the front porch, and you saw something or  more like someone in a navy blue jumpsuit? Peeking out from behind a large tree a little ways away you started to get concerned because you had no clue what was going on, you tried peeking over again to take another look at the figure but Norman had already shut the door and locked it before you could. You look up at Brahms then to Norman and see that they both looked quite frightened, Brahms then slowly and gently puts you down just as you see D with Billy and Stu following shortly after rushing down the hall from the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about, then you finally speak up.

"So are you guys gonna tell me what the hell just happened or what?"

You say questioningly looking at both Norman and Brahms.
They both just look at you then Brahms spoke up.

"Are you alright?"

He says trying to brush off what you said.

"Yes I'm fine thank you, now answer my question."

HAHAHAHA I'm leaving you all off on a Cliffhanger, who do you guys think the creeper in the wood was lol

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