Chapter 2

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You wake up from your long needed nap and you find yourself being wrapped up in the blanket that sat on the back of your couch.

"Hmm I wonder how this got here."

You say with a confused tone. But you brush the thought away and think that you probably just got cold and yanked it down to cover you up. Then your stomach growls and you hop up and shuffle down the hall to the kitchen and search through the cupboards and the fridge but you find nothing of interest to you so you just decide to order some pizza. Cheese pizza to be exact because you don't really like toppings cause your plain and boring. your stomach screams at you again and you look down and give your stomach a pouty face, then the phone rings. You sigh and think it's probably just the pizza guy telling you when your food is gonna arrive. You pick up the phone anyways,


You say trying to not sound annoyed. The voice on the other end says something but you can't quite make out what it's saying then they speak up.

"Hello Y/N."

The deep raspy voice says.

"Hi? Your not the pizza guy are you..?"

You say slightly confused, and taken back by deep toned voice on the other end definitely not the pizza guy.

"Haha no, much worse."

You can hear the smirk in his tone and you pause.

"Ookay so who are you then?"


You tense up at the response given.

"Your joking right."

"Nope, Y/N you heard me correctly.
Now quick question..What's your favorite scary movie?"

He says and chuckles.

"Huh how iconic now I know it's you asshole. What do you even want with me anyway?"

"Aw so you did know who I was what a clever one you are Y/N. To answer your question all I can say is you'll find out later hun~"

He says, you can here the smug tone in his voice he's getting a kick out of this what a pain in the dick he is.

"Oh shit."

You hear him laugh on the other end.

"Awe Y/N what happened hun, cat got your tung?"

He says still laughing

"No. I think my pizza is here

You say shaken over what he said about 'finding out later' what he's gonna do. You of all people shouldn't be scared in a situation like this you literally write about killers for a living. And who would even take a care in you I something did happen, you obviously but put that aside.

Ding Dong

You hear the doorbell ring and sigh.

"I guess you should get that huh?"

You put the phone on the counter ignoring the Ghostface's last sentence and ran down the hall like a little grimlin and then you approach the door. You open it to see the pizza guy, you pay him and snatch the pizza from him and say thanks and close the door. Running back down the hall out of breath you lay the pizza down on the counter.

"I'm back."

You say in a better mood now having food.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter. I'm really proud of this one and I'm excited to continue this I think I'll possible Post one or two more chapters today!!

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