Chapter 15

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Hey guys fun chapters ahead hopefully also I need some ideas of who to add next and what kinda stuff you guys wanna see so don't be afraid to comment. Also sorry for not writing for so long I know you guys have been waiting


You yawn still half asleep but your definitely ready for this epic game of hide and seek.
After changing and getting ready for the day you rush down stairs and meet everyone exitedly and head for the door. When your all outside you start to explain how your going to start off.

"Ok so on the count of three everyone say not it, and the last one to say it is the seeker mkay."

They all agreed.

"Alright ready! One. Two. Three. Not it!!"

Everyone yells not it, even Michael says it in a quiet gruff voice. Now it comes down to who said it last.

"Norman your it first."

You turn to look at Norman with a grin, and before you know it everyone around you takes off in different directions. Except for you and Norman you stand giving him a thumbs up telling him good luck before sprinting off to find your own spot while he starts to count.
Your giggling as you run but that comes to a sudden stop when you're grabbed from the side and pulled down behind a huge rock. Now looking up at who has seemed to catch you, you see Brahms with a very happy look in his eyes.

"Jesus Brahms! You scared the shit outta me!"

You whisper shout at him, you can tell he's grinning by the wrinkles around his eyes.

"Sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to spook you like that."

"It's quite alright just warn me next time before you grab me out of nowhere like that."

He nods his head and puts a finger up to the mouth of his mask telling you to hush and listen. Norman has stopped counting now and has announced that he's coming to find everyone.

'Huh I wonder how long this will take for him to find us, surly someone will crack or he will get lucky first round' you think to yourself.
It was around four minutes into the game until Norman found Michael and now they were on a hunt for everyone else standing.

Just a little later you decided to get up and quietly head for your own hiding spot but soon after you were found and flung over Michael's shoulder, you pout and tell him how unfair this is and then Norman to say that your starting to sound like Brahms and you huff and go quite while their finding everyone else that's remaining.

"Are we done yet? This is taking forever."

"Nope still trying to find Stu and Billy."

"Huh, with our luck we will probably find them making out behind a tree."

"Yeah probably."

D says giving a little chuckle to your comment.

"Remind me not to play hide and seek with you guys again, y'all have the best hiding spots."

Before long you all approach a lake.

"Hey uh guys how far from the house are we? I don't remember there being a lake, aside from the one at the camp that's a little ways from here."

Hey guys sorry for the hold up you all know how crappy school and homework can be. Anyway hopefully some more chapters soon and hopefully I can come up with some stuff for my other fanfic pls give ideas for that if you can.

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