Diary 4: Entry 3

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I hadn't expected much for today. Some mindless routine to numb the desperate ache in the centre of my chest. I'd probably do some grocery shopping. Maybe clean my dorm room a bit. But I didn't expect my phone to buzz as I was getting ready to go out.

Sua: Was it you knocking on our door yesterday?

Yoohyeon: Yes, I wanted to talk to you guys.

Sua: Sorry, we were a bit busy at the time haha. What is it?

Yoohyeon: I was stabbed on Friday night.

Sua: You were stabbed? Are you okay??

Yoohyeon was in the middle of typing her reply when her phone buzzed. She answered. "Hello?"

"Yoohyeon!" Sua squawked. Yoohyeon winced. "What the hell happened?"

"I went to Hongdae, fingered a girl, and got stabbed by her girlfriend," Yoohyeon replied.

Sua groaned. "Yoohyeon...why?"

Irritation flared in my stomach. "I was lonely and sad. Is there a problem with that?"

"With being sad? No, but most of us don't go having sex with someone else's girl. You don't know what kind of people are out there!" Sua said.

"Well, some of us don't have a girl to love!" I spat.

"That's- that's not the point!" Sua said. After a moment, she sighed. "Are you okay at least? How are you doing?"

I rolled my eyes. "Like you care. You didn't even pick up the phone when I needed you."

"Are you serious? It sucks that this happened, but you can't expect us to be on call for you 24/7."

Well you should be, I thought - but I bit my tongue before it could say it. Sua was right, of course, and that stung. But I needed them. I needed someone. If they can't be there, what else should I do? Hire a call girl? Because that has gone so well. The silence stretched as the gears in my head continued to turn.

"Hello?" Siyeon's voice sounded through my phone. "Are you still there?"

"Y-yeah, I'm..." my voice caught in my throat for a moment. "...I'm here."

"You know that Sua and I love you, right?" Siyeon asked.

I nodded, then remembered I was in a phone call. "I do," I replied hoarsely. And I did know that. That would explain the uncomfortable warmth growing in my chest. It cracked and splintered my heart so painfully as it grew, that tears began to fall. I covered my mouth to stifle the sobs, but it was in vain. After a few seconds of silence, I cried in earnest. I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop it. And I didn't even know why.

At the other end of the phone I heard frantic, hurried whispers for several moments before Sua spoke again: "Yoohyeon, do you have someone you can spend time with right now?"

I held back a snort. "You mean I can't be with you guys?"

"You can, but Siyeon and I still have to study for an exam tomorrow. We won't be able to really help properly," said Sua.

"Well..." I bit my lip. "...there is someone. Not sure how much I can tell her though." My voice cracked a little, still thick with tears.

"A new friend?" Sua asked.

"Something like that," I replied.

"Maybe you can use this as an opportunity to test the waters a little? See if they can be someone you can trust?" said Sua.

I frowned. Would that be a good idea? Jiu had already broken my trust - and horribly. Thinking back on that day when Jiu had revealed the truth made my stomach do nauseating back-flips. But then I remembered how desperate she had been when she called for more tutoring help. And I remembered her earnestness when she had helped me get home yesterday.

Then I sighed and sniffled. "It's worth a shot, I guess." I didn't have many other options anyway.

"Good. Start there, and if you run into further troubles, please call me or Siyeon," Sua said. "You're our best friend, you know?"

I began to sob again as the ache in my chest intensified. "I know," I whispered. I would die for you. Then I ended the call. I couldn't take any more.

A moment later, my phone buzzed.

Sua: Take care of yourself, Yoohyeon, don't be alone, and at least text us if anything happens, okay? Come over if that person isn't free <3

I sniffled again as I wiped my eyes. Sua and Siyeon were still there. They were still there for me. I had to remind myself of that, no matter what. They wanted what was best for me. Although in doing so, they unknowingly encouraged me to connect with Jiu, despite what she has done.

But the fact remained that I didn't have a lot of other options, and regardless of their schedules, my best friends didn't want me to be alone in this state. So, for Sua and Siyeon, I unlocked my phone again and called Jiu's number.

It rang a few times before she answered. "Hi, Yoohyeon, what is it? Are you...looking for payment?"

The corner of my lip twitched, almost into a smile. "Of a sort. Are you free to meet me now?"

I could hear papers ruffling in the background for a moment before Jiu replied. "I am."

At that, a small but proper smile finally forced its way onto my face. "Good. I'll text you the address." Then I hung up and finished getting ready, a new energy infused into my limbs. Jiu and I were meeting again, but this time - it was on my terms.

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