Diary 1: Entry 1

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It was a Tuesday when I lost my virginity. You don't need to know all the circumstances that led up to this. All you need to know was that I was twenty-one years old, in my third year of language studies at university, and I was lonely as all hell.

You might be thinking I suddenly grew some mysterious charm and seduced someone into my bed, but you'd be wrong. I've always been awkward and clumsy, and that didn't suddenly stop that Tuesday night.

For a few days prior, I had been pondering whether or not I should hire a call girl. I had looked around at several ads, looked at the prices, looked at the money I had remaining, and settled on a girl called 'JiU'. Her picture was absolutely stunning, and she seemed really nice based on her ad. If I had to lose my virginity to anyone, I'd pick her.

I didn't call her immediately because I had always had this erroneous hope in the corner of my mind that sex would end up happening naturally for me, with the right person at the right time.

After three years at university, painfully alone, that hope began to wear thin. It was in its final death throes until at last, on Tuesday night, it keeled over, dead.

I was in my room, on my bed, with only my bedside lamp on. The room was cast in dim light with stark shadows. My thumb hovered above the 'call' button on my phone, trembling. My heart was racing.

Was I sure about this? Was this absolutely what I wanted? It only took a quick flash of memories to restore my conviction. I took a deep breath and called JiU's number.

I heard the line ring for a few moments before JiU picked up.

"Hi, Pink Princess JiU here, how may I service you?" a woman's sultry voice answered.

"H-hi, um, are you free tonight?" I asked.

"Ooh, so keen to have me," JiU crooned.

Blood rushed to my face. "W-well I, um, can I book an-an appointment tonight?"

"Of course you can, sweetie. I'm free in an hour at 9:30pm. Shall we go to a hotel, or shall I come to your place?"

"Um, m-my place, please." I gave her my dorm's address and my room number.

"Beautiful. I'll see you in an hour, sweetie. We can get to know each other more then."

I smiled. "Yes-yes, of course."

Then JiU hung up.

The next hour was filled with nervous antics. I paced a lot. I bit all my nails off. I did my makeup, took it off, and re-applied it again. I tried on a beautiful red dress I'd never worn.

And then I heard a knock on my door. I glanced at the clock. 9:30pm. My heart dropped.

She was here.

I gulped. My mouth was suddenly dry. My heart pounded in my chest.

Smiling my friendliest smile, I opened the door.

JiU stood there in tight, black booty shorts, fishnets, and a black crop top that teased me with her midriff. She also had dyed red hair and the most dazzling smile I had ever seen. It was like looking directly at the sun.

All of a sudden, my friendly smile became a dopey grin, my mind forgetting what we were about to do.

"Hi, I'm JiU. May I come in?" she said. Her voice was soft and sweet. It lilted with a hint of music. I knew from that moment I wanted to know every tune, every note.

I brushed my hair behind my ear, blushing. "Of course!" I stood aside to let her enter, and closed the door behind her.

JiU glanced around my room. "It's pretty small. Living the student life, huh?"

I frantically rushed around to shove all the empty fast food packaging out of side. I laughed nervously. "That's me. Student!"

JiU sat on my bed and motioned for me to join her. "What do you study?"

I sat next to her, leaving an awkward amount of space between us. "I'm a language major."

JiU glanced pointedly at the gap. Smirking, she shifted so that her hip was flush with mine. "You're an awfully pretty nerd."

That time my laugh wasn't nervous. "Is that a compliment?"

JiU slid her arm around me. "Yes. It was. Now, what do you like?" she said, smiling gently at me. Her eyes were soft and brown and sparkled like the stars at night.

"U-um, I like gaming in my spare time, a-and- "

JiU placed a finger on my lips. "Shh, I meant..." She leaned in and whispered huskily in my ear, "What do you like?"

My eyes went wide. "O-oh! Yes! Sex! I mean- I-I don't know. I've never done this before. I'm sorry."

JiU hugged me tightly for a moment, then with her arm still around my waist, she said, "It's okay! Inexperience is not a sin. We'll take everything at your pace, alright?"

The way she looked at me...it made my heart ache. I nodded. "Alright. Let's do this."

JiU giggled. "And if it makes you feel better, you're the cutest client I've ever had."

"O-oh, thank you."

"Now, I think we should get you comfortable first. You seem to be doing okay with my arm around you."

I laughed. "Mostly because I don't know what to do about it."

"You put your arm around me too."

I did. My heart thrilled at her warmth.

"I'm going to kiss you now. Are you ready?"

I nodded, licking my lips. What would it feel like? What should I do?

JiU slowly closed the distance between our faces. I didn't know where to look, so I simply shut my eyes.

I waited with baited breath. One second passed. Two seconds.

And then I felt her lips on mine.

It was a struggle for me to decide whether I should write down what followed, but I'm always wary that my friends might find this diary, and the less blackmail material they have, the better.

Suffice it to say, my first time was very, very awkward. I wanted to die from embarrassment. But JiU was patient and kind the whole time. She thought my awkwardness was cute.

Her words made me bold. In a fleeting moment of unparalleled courage, I asked for an appointment next week, same time, same place.

JiU, of course, giggled and acquiesced to my request. She even gave me a 'first timer's discount' which I suspect she made up on the spot. Then she kissed me on the lips, got dressed, and left me alone on my bed, my mind still trying to comprehend what had just happened.

It had been mortifying, but exhilarating. My blood was on fire.

And so began the most interesting times of my young life.

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