Diary 3: Entry 2

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I knew I couldn't stalk Jiu to her house again. If I wanted to make up with her (and then make out, hopefully), I had to find her at uni. I waited several weeks before I decided to approach her. She was hurting. I was, rightfully, the person she was most angry at. I had to let her cool down. Talks of exams had begun to pervade the campus when I decided to make my approach.

Thankfully, I was well familiar with the classes Jiu was in. All it took was loitering outside one of her lectures until it ended, and waited for her to file out with the rest of the students.

Jiu's eyes narrowed the moment she saw me. I gulped, my heart up in my throat.

"H-hi..." I said.

When she didn't stop, I hurried into step beside her.

"I-I bet you're still angry, huh?" I said with a nervous chuckle.

Jiu threw a haughty glare at me, then turned her nose up at me.

"I'm here to apologise," I blurted out, before Jiu could run away.

That got her attention. She came to a stop and faced me properly, eyebrow raised. After a few beats of silence I realised she was waiting for me to speak.

"What I did was wrong. I violated your privacy, which was unacceptable and I will never do it again," I said, my eyes misting. A pause, then I bit my lip and added in a small voice, "I never wanted you to be hurt. I swear."

Jiu eyed me speculatively. I searched her expression for a hint of her thoughts, but there were none. She was a blank slate. 

Moment by moment, time crawled by. Sweat dewed on the nape of my neck. My thoughts raced. What if she said no? What if she cursed me out of here? What if I never got to see her smile again? Hear her laugh?

I was almost ready to burst when Jiu finally gave her response: "Okay. I accept your apology."

I blinked, my mouth open in a silent 'o'. Clearing my throat, I said, "So...can we, uh, keep on...y'know..."

"Fucking?" Jiu interjected. "Sure!" Then she strode off before I could get another word past my throat. That woman made my head spin.

Despite my confusion, my horniness took the forefront. I called her that night. My panties were wet before she even arrived.

But things did not go as I expected. The one word to describe it? Empty.

It was empty.

All the kisses, all the touches, they were perfect as always. But that's exactly it.

They were too perfect. Jiu was cold, calculating, and precise with her work. Like clockwork she wound me up and set me loose over and over until I was gasping her name into her neck.

But the gazes were gone. The whispers. The giggles. She was here, but she wasn't. I was lost in my heart.

This wasn't right. I had really screwed up. And as I lay there alone afterwards, panting and sweating, I swore I would do everything I could to earn her trust back.

No matter the cost.

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