Diary 2: Entry 2

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Again I was greeted with the words, 'We need to talk.' This time, they came from Siyeon.

We sat outside a lecture theatre. Students speckled the bright, modern hallway, leaning against the walls, sitting on the floor, either chatting or fiddling with their phones. Most, if not all of us, waited for the theatre to be free. The air conditioner was on in this building, thank heavens. I wasn't in the mood for sweat.

My eyes fixed on my fidgeting fingers, my mouth dry. I didn't want to start the conversation. Luckily, I didn't have to.

"So," Siyeon said, eyes on me.

I cleared my throat. "So," I said, not meeting her gaze.

Siyeon grabbed my hand in hers. I still didn't meet her eyes. "There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say it," she said. She took a deep breath. "Sua and I saw Jiu making out with a man yesterday. She's cheating on you."

That made me finally look up at Siyeon. Relief flooded through me. I thought it was something serious. And then a ball of anxiety formed in the pit of my stomach. How would I explain it? I had to think fast.

Blinking my eyes rapidly in feigned disbelief, I said, "You saw what?"

Siyeon's thumb stroked a reassuring pattern on the back of my hand. "I'm sorry, I really hate being the bearer of bad news, but it's true."

"What...what did you see?" I asked.

"I don't think- " Siyeon began.

"I need to know," I pressed. "Please."

Siyeon was silent for a moment. Then she took a deep breath. "Alright. Sua and I saw Jiu the other day."

I simply stared and Siyeon. "And?"

"We saw her sitting with a man in a café. And they were...they were holding hands. Giggling.  Making out." She took my hand in hers. "I'm really sorry, but I felt you had to know." Siyeon fell silent, searching my face for a reaction.

The first thing that flashed through me was relief. Tension whooshed out of me like air from a balloon. Then my muscles tensed again as I remembered that this would make no sense to Siyeon. Why would I be relieved? As far as she knew, I'd just found out about my girlfriend cheating on me.

So naturally I looked down at my lap. I sniffled. "No," I said in a low voice. "Not Jiu. She wouldn't."

Siyeon pulled me into a hug. "I know, I'm sorry." After a moment of quiet comfort, she pulled away. "You should talk to her," she said.

I merely nodded, my gaze still fixed down at my hands.

Siyeon raised an eyebrow. "Maybe ask to meet her?"

I sighed a deep, dramatic sigh. "Good idea."

Taking out my phone, I called Jiu's number and waited for her to pick up. I tried not to look at Siyeon. I could feel her looking at me anxiously. It made me uncomfortably self-aware. After a few rings, I was redirected to Jiu's message bank, whereupon her voice asked me to leave a message in such a way that my mind raced and a hot flush rose to my cheeks. Siyeon looked puzzled, but didn't mention it.

"No answer," I said.

"Don't worry about it," said Siyeon. "Try again later. I have to go to my lecture now, but if you need to chat just text me or Sua. Our phones are always on." She smiled.

I smiled back. Guilt curled in my chest. My lies didn't deserve her kindness. "Thanks. A lot."

"What are friends for?" Siyeon gave me one more quick hug and then she hurried into the lecture theatre, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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