Diary 3: Entry 4

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Pleasure coursed through me as Jiu's fingers played me like a fiddle. Her mouth on mine. One hand on my breast. Fingers inside me. And stars exploding behind closed eyes.

Then she gently worked me down from my orgasm with expert precision until I came to, breathing deeply, and gazing into her eyes. A smirk was beginning to form on her lips, but she quickly pulled away and went to the bathroom.

Now was my chance.

I hopped up and tiptoed to my wardrobe to retrieve the gift basket I had prepared.

My bathroom door was opening when I jumped back onto my bed.

"You're done already?" I grinned up at her, half out of breath.

She gave a bemused smile. "You mean...you don't want a second round this time?"

I blinked. Of course I'd forgotten how...greedy I usually was. "Uhmm..." I fidgeted with my fingers.

Jiu came to the bed and sat down opposite me. "What's all this?"

"I-I need to...talk to you properly," I uttered, looking everywhere but her eyes. At the back of my mind, I noted that we were both still naked. The irony that that was not the cause of my nervousness did not escape me. How things changed.

Jiu frowned. "What is it? And what's with the basket?"

I took a deep, shuddering breath before I answered. "First, I have a confession to make. I...I l-like you. R-romantically, I mean."

With a colossal effort, I met her eyes, awaiting her reply. There was a beat of silence.

Then, Jiu chuckled. "I know, silly. I've known the whole time."

I swallowed. "Y-you did? How?"

This time she let out a hearty laugh. I shrank away a little, heat suffusing my cheeks.

"Of course I did!" she said. "You weren't subtle about it. Speaking of which, I also have a confession."

I lifted my eyes again. "W-what?"

"I used that to make sure you kept hiring me," she said.

"I-I figured, it's just..." I took another deep breath. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. For thinking that was a valid reason to violate your privacy. No crush is worth that."

Jiu's expression became unreadable. It was pleasant. Polite. But her eyes showed nothing. "I take it that's what this basket is for?"

I nodded.

She reached out a hand and pulled it towards her. "Thanks." But her eyes remained on me. She frowned quizzically. "I'm glad you see why I was so mad."

My eyes fell back down to my fidgeting hands in my lap.

"One thing I don't understand," she continued, "is why you're not saying anything. You did hear me tell you I used your feelings for my own gain, right?"

I nodded, eyes still fixed downward. "I heard. But I don't mind, really. Deep down, some part of me always knew." A moment of silence. Then I gazed directly into Jiu's eyes. She was transfixed. "Nobody would ever like me like that. There is always a catch. What's important is that my conscience is clear. I have done right by you and by me. The question now is...why did you bother telling me that? Did you want to hurt my feelings?"

Now it was Jiu's turn to look away. "N-no, I..."

"Did you think you're the first person to come along and try to pull the rug from under me like that?"

"That's not it!"

But I pressed harder. "Who the hell do you think you are to try and pull something like that?"

Jiu was close to tears now. "It's because I felt sorry for you! You had the courage to be honest with me, so I felt I owed you the same!"

"Enough!" I barked. Then I continued in a dangerously soft tone. "It doesn't matter to me how you feel because you do what I pay you for."

She scoffed. "As if. I can drop you as a client. Just. Like. That."

I twirled my hair in my finger. "So that's why you were so quick to accept a halfhearted apology from me before? Because you...didn't need the money?"

Jiu glared. Hard. "That's too far."

"No. I'm done being played with." We simply glared at each other for a solid few moments before I crossed my arms. "Get dressed and get out. Call me if you're short on cash. Oh, and," I smiled, "good luck on your English exam."

Jiu said nothing as she put her clothes back on. And I noticed her split-second hesitation before she snatched my apology basket and whisked it with her out the door.

My heart thudded in my chest. But had successfully stood up for myself. I should have felt proud. But all I wanted to do was cry.

So I did.

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