Diary 1: Entry 3

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"Why are you wearing that?"

I looked up from my phone to see JiU strutting towards me in a striking red dress that showed just enough leg to make my throat dry.

"Why? What's wrong with it?" I said, gesturing to my jeans and jacket.

Jiu laughed. "Look at this place! It's cool, fancy, and - dare I say - romantic."

I blushed. Romantic? My mind automatically pictured me and JiU holding hands. Putting flowers in her hair.

Then I shook my head. No. Don't be silly.

"Well...I'm comfortable in this," I said. "Besides, Sua and Siyeon are already inside."

Jiu smiled warmly and held out her arm. "Alright. Let's head in."

I linked my arm with hers and let Jiu lead me into the restaurant. Jiu was right - it was fancy. Gold lights glittered from the ceiling. Floor-to-ceiling windows sparkled with lights from the city outside. And the people - they were all so beautiful. The men, the women - the young were fresh and hot, the older were refined and elegant.

I spotted Sua and Siyeon waving at us from one of the tables. We headed on over.

It seemed like anxiety couldn't touch Jiu. Her smile was radiant as she said to my friends, "Hi! My name is Jiu, I'm sure you've heard about me." She pulled out the chair next to Siyeon for me. The corner of my lip quirked shyly as I sat down. Jiu took her place opposite me and next to Sua.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jiu," said Sua. "I'm Sua and this is my girlfriend, Siyeon. We're Yoohyeon's classmates."

"A pleasure, is it?" prodded Siyeon with a playful smirk.

"Can't blame me. She's hot."

Siyeon propped her chin on her hand, focusing on Jiu. "She is. So how did you and Yoohyeon meet?"

My heart leapt to my throat. The notes I had given her. Did she remember the story?

Jiu brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and answered without hesitation. "She's my new English tutor. I saw her ad around the university and thought I could use the help." She gave a little self-conscious giggle. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

Sua gawked at me. "English tutor? How come we haven't heard? This one," she pointed at Siyeon, "definitely needs it."

Siyeon shot a warning look at Sua. "No head for you tonight if you keep that up."

Sua held up her hands in defeat. "Woah there, let's not be hasty."

I shrugged. "You guys hardly turn up to class. I'm not surprised you haven't seen the ads." I should probably make some ads.

Sua ignored the quip and focused on Jiu. "So. How did Yoohyeon help you on Tuesday night?"

My face flushed red-hot and I shrank into my chair. Sensations flashed through me. Jiu's hands. Her legs. Her tongue. For a moment I could feel her on top of me. And with a shuddering breath, I broke myself out of my reverie.

Jiu answered with more forthright boldness than I was expecting. "We clicked so well we ended up sleeping together," she said.

I let out a loud cough, which drew the smirks of everyone at the table. Darn it. Even Jiu? I was paying her!

Jiu took advantage of my shyness and traced a soft finger against my jawline. I remained stock-still like a deer in headlights. "And she was wonderful," she crooned.

"Ooooh," Sua and Siyeon teased, and then giggled.

Siyeon swatted my arm. "Yoohyeon, you naughty girl!"

"C-can we order?" I asked a little to loudly.

"You can order me later tonight if you like," Jiu replied, winking.

Sua burst out laughing. "Oh, I like her. You picked a great one, Yoohyeon!"

I'm sure you can imagine how the rest of the dinner went. There were many jokes at my expense. Sua teased me. Siyeon teased me. And Jiu alternated between sweet and spicy. One moment she flirted, the next she was gentle and kind. I didn't know what to make of her. My head began to spin.

I had been worried my friends would expose Jiu's identity and the true nature of our relationship, but they were unfounded. She kept them well distracted with clever quips and questions that deflected focus from her and back onto Sua and Siyeon.

She did, however, provide some details. She has a little brother. Parents. She wants to be an idol, and is studying music and dance at university. After the dinner she offered me a deal: if I gave her free English tutoring, her rate would be discounted. Just for me. If she was going to be a performer, let alone an idol, English was going to be invaluable in earning her a place.

This woman was the most beautiful person I had ever met. I had lost my virginity to her on what would have otherwise been a long and lonely night, and now I couldn't stop thinking about her. What was I going to say? No?

Of course not.

One way or another, I was going to woo her. And now, I had the perfect opportunity to showcase my talent with language.

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