Diary 1: Entry 4

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"She walk to the school," Jiu said in hesitant English.

I shook my head, fighting my smile. "She walks to the school," I corrected.

Jiu ruffled her hair and groaned loudly, attracting glances from other students in the library.

I placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay," I said in Korean, "everyone makes mistakes."

"I know," Jiu replied. "The conjugations get me every time. Why did they have to make up so many different versions of the same word? It's such a waste of effort!"

I let out a soft chuckle. "Honestly, I agree with you. But that's just the way English is. Full of nonsense rules that don't even follow themselves."

Jiu didn't reply. I watched her return her focus to the English exercise book before her. Her brow furrowed slightly and she began chewing on the end of her pen. I watched as the incandescence from the light above shone on her hair, making it glisten and sparkle like glace cherries in summer. So sweet. So beautiful. If only she were really mine.

I watched her lips as they silently worked their way through pronouncing the next sentence.

"I going home this evening," she said.

I grimaced. "Am going," I corrected.

Jiu groaned again and let her head fall forward onto the desk with a thump. "I can't do this," she said in Korean.

My hand hovered over her back. Was this the part where I hug her and tell her it's going to be okay? I'd seen that sort of thing lots in dramas. But was it the right move?

I didn't have anything else to go on, so I went for it. I placed my arm around her shoulders and pulled her gently into a one-armed hug. She didn't pull away.

"You'll get there," I murmured. "I'll help you. Don't worry."

"No I won't," Jiu said, her voice muffled against the desk.

With my free hand, I began packing up her stationary. "Come on. Let's take a break."

Sullen, Jiu nodded and put her books into her bag. "Do you have anything in mind?"

"Why, yes. Yes I do," I said, grinning.

We made our way out of the library into the bright afternoon sun. It was well into Spring now and Jiu was understandably getting jittery for exams, despite the two months we still had left.

Jiu brushed her hair behind her ear and asked, "What's the plan?"

"Smoothies!" I replied. And when a smile blossomed on Jiu's face, my heart fluttered and burst all at once. My tongue went dry in my mouth. "U-um...may I, um...put my arm around your waist?" I asked.

"Of course!" she said, and before I could reply, she slid her arm around my own waist. I twitched, then melted and slid my own arm around her. Our bodies flush against each other, we walked in perfect synchrony to the student union complex.

It was loud and bustling and full of life. People buzzed this way and that. To tables. To benches. To bathrooms and shops.

I spied my favourite chain and made a beeline straight for it.

Jiu chuckled as I pulled her along. "Someone's excited."

I grinned at her. "It's the best smoothie you'll ever have. Ever. Trust me."

"I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried," she said.

I pouted. "You should be happy! I'll even pay for it."

Jiu planted a kiss on my cheek, leaving red lipstick and a blazing heat on my face. "Happy it is, cutie."

Her arm slid off me as we entered the line, and chill racked my body at the sudden cold. A fire lit in my chest. I had to kiss her. Touch her. Feel her writhing beneath me.

Then my breath caught. I returned to my senses, my head spinning. I forced myself to focus.

My eyes scanned the menu for the pinkest drink I could find, and settled for ordering a 'Watermelon Crush' for Jiu. For myself I ordered one with banana.

We sat on one of the benches and sipped our smoothies in silence for some time. A cool breeze drifted through the doors into the union building. It flitted by my face. I took a deep breath and savoured this moment. Cool sweetness on my tongue. A soft breeze around me. And the most beautiful girl in the world pressed against me, shoulder to shoulder.

After a while I asked, "How's the drink?"

Jiu grinned at me. "It's wonderful. But it still doesn't taste as good as you."

My heart quickened and the fire in my chest set my blood alight. "I want you," I blurted before my anxiety caught up with me. I expected to worry. I expected to care. But I didn't. I spoke the truth in my heart.

Jiu regarded my half-lidded gaze. I could've sworn I noticed a little flush on her chest. "So have me." Her voice was deep and husky. Once again, my dreams were about to come true.

I could feel my anxiety hammering away at me in the back of my mind. What are you doing? it said. You'll mess it up, it said. But it was held at bay by the fire in my heart. I was burning. I was yearning. There was nothing fear could do to me.

I clasped Jiu's hand in mine and gently pulled her up. After pressing a kiss against her cherry-red lips, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her against me. I looked her square in the eye. "You're mine."

The corner of Jiu's lips quirked, her eyes dark and beaming. "I am yours," she whispered. "Please tell me what to do."

I smiled. "Walk with me."

Jiu complied without question. I walked her to my dorm. She didn't leave until dark. To whoever is reading this, I'm sure you know what happened. I still feel my insides quiver at the thought of it, so suffice it to say that...I had her. Atop me, beneath me, and squirming with joy. We kissed and cuddled and bit and fucked and did every naughty thing we could think of until we were both sweaty, panting, and utterly spent.

I treasure it still, so for now, let your imagination fly. I know mine did. And the best thing of all was the discount. I could maintain this for a while now without my parents questioning my expenditures. Call girls were expensive, especially ones like Jiu. But she needed my help to learn English and open the doors to her dreams. I was invaluable to her, as she was to me.

I wasn't sure how long I could keep lying about our relationship, but I didn't care. For now, this was enough. I went to sleep with a quiet heart, her smile etched behind closed eyes.

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