Hōki 2 (2012)

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Donatello Hamato grumbled under his breath. He was seated in his lab, attempting to finish working on an invention he had started two days ago, one that would be able to block out noise from his ears for as long as he wanted. 

They looked sort of like headphones, and Don found comfort in the excitement of personalising them.

This particular invention was dedicated to the fact that his older brothers were now officially mortal enemies. There wasn't a day that passed where his lullabies and alarms weren't yells and shouts and cries and the purple loving mutant had enough of it.

It hadn't been so long since his annoying younger brother stormed out after an argument that consisted of him and Leonardo. Don didn't know what it was about, considering he was still in his lab at the time, but he did hear the endless shouting before the angry footsteps retreated.

He sighed, and left it to his older brothers to figure out.

He tried now, to leave it to his brothers, and not get mixed into this mess, but now his hands were cramping up and his brain would muddle up and his mind would just go back to the yelling.

So he sighed, got up from his seat, wincing at the stretch of his body and left his lab, giving one last longing look at his creations before flicking off the light and then venturing into the unknown.

Donnie found his oldest brother slumped on the couch, gazing at something in the distance, eyes glazed over and unfocused. He was slumping, something he rarely did, and Don felt an unfamiliar twist in his heart. The last time they saw Leo like this was the night after their father was killed. Leo had stayed in his room for three days, refusing water or food until the third day, when he emerged red eyed and determined.

The scientist closed his eyes for a moment, desperately trying to get rid of the stinging before he collapsed into sobs as well. Now wasn't the time.

When he opened them once more (only slightly checking them for water) he eyed Leo's hands wearily.

There were traces of harm, long wiggly streaks of red and healed over green as if someone had scratched him over and over before the skin broke. Those hands now clutched at his thighs, fingernails digging deep into his flesh and Don flinched.

Leo hadn't noticed him yet, too busy in his own world even when Donnie kneeled down in front of him and grabbed at his hands. Then only Leo was startled, eyes widening in shock and whole body recoiled for a moment before noticing his younger brother before him.

Confusion filled his facial features, and he looked around for a moment, as if reminding himself where he was. Don's expression was crumpled, but concerned. Leo was never like this.

His older brother looked back at him, eyes still dazed and body almost sluggish.

"W-" he paused, and gulped.

"W-Whas goin' on, Dee?" Leo slurred, before shaking his head slightly.

Don's hands tightened around his, so slightly they both didn't notice.

"Leo..are you...okay..?" He asked, voice wavering faintly. His older brother blinked down in surprise, the dazy look gone from his eyes.

"Y-Yes of course! Why wouldn't I be?" His expression downed a bit.

"Is it because of the argument? If you even call it that. You need to understand, Donatello that our younger brother is-"

"A child?"

It was silent. Leo was looking at his brother, shock inevident on his face.

"I-....well yes, I suppose but-"


Don's voice was soft, but demanding and Leo surprised himself by going quiet.


Don was unconsciously rubbing a thumb over his brother's hands, the movement comforting both of them.

"Do you know how we feel when we hear your name?"

The oldest slumped, and shook his head.

"We feel safe," Don put all his love into that one word and Leo's eyes widened.

"We feel protected. We feel loved. We feel all of those because it is you. Just you."

"Raph knows you're the person to go to when he has all that pent up anger inside of him, sparring with you seems like the only thing that calms him down."

Leo broke a smile at that, his face crinkling to meet it and Don felt his heart warm.

"You're the one always assisting me when I need help with my inventions. You're the one Mikey goes to for, well, everything!"

The smile on his older brother's face dims. He knew what was coming.

"You told him that fears are childish, that he wasn't supposed to be childish, you threatened to kick him out of this family."

Leo's eyes were screwed shut, brow furrowed in pain as he recollected the memory that happened not too long ago.

"We all are just children."

His breaths came out ragged and he blinked back tears before screwing them shut again.

"Imagine what Mikey would be thinking right now?"

His hands squeezed Don's tighter.

"Imagine how much of a burden he would feel like right now?"

He choked out a gasp, eyes thrown up and shaking his head so violently that Donnie feared it would fly off.

"Knowing that his older brother, the only person he looked up to, thought of him as childish and burdensome."

"N-No. Oh god no," words muddled up spilled through Leo's lips.

"Who would he go to now?"

"Please, n-no."

"Maybe he was childish. Maybe he needed to grow up more."

"That's not what I m-meant!"

"Leo is right. Fears are childish."

"They aren't!"

The tears that Leo held back now intruded through and streamed down his face.

"They aren't and I said it to him. I told him. I-I told him he was childish. I didn't m-mean to, I swear! Donnie I swear, I just- today was so, so shit and I just- I just."

He crumbled, hung his head low, and Don had had enough of all these heart wrenching feelings.

The scientist stood up, still holding Leo's hands, and sat next to him on the couch.

He then wrapped his arms around the shaking other and leaned back to pull him towards his plastron. The oldest dug his face deep into the crook of Don's neck and shoulder and sniffed.

Suddenly, he was five years old again, crying to his younger brother after an unnecessary harsh scolding from their father. Donnie would coo at him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear until Leo would calm down, abandoning his project and focusing all his attention on his brother, because he would never come to Don like this.

"m'...Don- m'sry..."

"It's not me you need to apologise too, Lee."

The scientist felt his older brother nuzzle more into him and he fought the urge to smile.

"Where's m-key?"

"He'll be back soon, Nardo."

He'l be back soon.



One more part left:)

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