Chapter 1: I Really Like You

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"It's like everything you say is a sweet revelation. All I wanna do is get into your head. Yeah we could stay alone, you and me, and this temptation -Carly Rae Jepson (I Really Like You)"


"We'd be back by midnight. There are leftovers in the fridge and you can even order anything you want. Goodby sweetie," said Mom as she hung her purse over her shoulder. Mom and Dad are going out so I'm going to be home alone. Yay!

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I said as I closed the door shut and sighed. I'm going to pretty bored for now. Oh well, might as well watch TV and microwave the cheese popcorn. I got a soda can and the bowl of cheese popcorn and plopped down on the sofa. I grabbed the remote and scrolled through random channels. Oh! The Fault in Out Stars in on TV!

The movie had just begun when someone rang the doorbell and barged inside. "I'm back!" said Tristan as he kept his bad of sport supplies down and walked over to the washroom to freshen up. It's quite rare finding a boy who cares about hygiene. One of the billion things which I love about Tristan. I'm so in love with him. Too bad he doesn't know.

"So, what ya watchin'?" asked Tristan as he plopped down on the sofa next to me in clean sweatshirt and sweatpants. "The Fault in Our Stars is on TV!" I said with a joyful tone. I always wanted to see why the girls in my school were crazy over this book and movie. "Ugh, you and your chick flicks," Tristan said as he grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it in his face. He got bored in a second so he changed the channel to a sports channel. Since I have no particular interest in sports, I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Facebook.

I find the 'art' of stalking my schoolmates on Facebook quite amusing. You can see how corrupted these 'young adults' are. Getting drunk and making out with homeless dirty-minded people. Their parents must be so proud (note sarcasm). Good thing I'm going to be done with school.

While scrolling through Facebook, a picture caught my attention. It was of Tristan and his football group picture. Tristan was the one who uploaded the picture as he was the one who took the groupfie. I was just looking at the picture and smiling to myself thinking about him.

"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Tristan asked and poked my dimples. I snapped out of my trance and looked at him bluntly. "Oh, umm...I was know...uh...err," I babbled. What the hell? "Oh! Lemme see!" Tristan smirked and snatched my phone away. "Noo..." I yelled and tried to get my phone back.

Tristan started running with my phone and I chased him. He walked behind the kitchen counter and looked at the phone. I stood near the door with dilated eyes. "Seriously? Damian Hectors?" he asked with a bitter tone and a frown appeared on his face. "What? No! What are you even..." I said but he interrupted, "Since when did you start liking Damian? How come I didn't know about it? Don't you know he's such a...." "What are you saying? Have you gone mad? I don't like anyone..." I said. I wasn't quite honest with the last part.

There was a long silence but then a strange thought struck me. "Wait...why do you care if I like anyone?" I asked. Shouldn't he be happy or something for me if I like someone? "Umm, err...that's because I'm your friend and I don't want you to fall for a douchebag," he replied and I knew he wasn't being free with his words. He wanted to add something else.

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