Chapter 10: Stole My Heart

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"Under the lights tonight you turned around, and you stole my heart with just one look, when I saw your face, I fell in love.It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight, with just one look, yeah. I waited for a girl like you. -One Direction (Stole My Heart)"


I heard that Emily Benson was throwing a party for her birthday today at 7PM. Her parents are really cool and they treat Emily like a princess but the good thing is that Emily is not a spoilt brat and that's why, we were good friends. She didn't attend the Farewell Ball three years back because she had gone to Sydney to see her favourite band perform.

She had come to my funeral and she was crying a lot. It's so hard losing your best friend so suddenly. She always invited me to her parties and all I did was sit at the corner and watch people do weird and funny stuff. I used to let Tristan hang out with his friends at the party and I didn't mind at all. It was fun seeing people do random stuff.

Though I wasn't invited...because I'm dead, I still decided to go to the party. This year she's having a superhero style party in which people will dress up as their favourite superheroes or DIY their own costume. Cool, huh?

And so nobody knows I'd be there, I'd just enjoy as I always do without even socializing. I should sneak into parties more often. ;P

I would have worn a costume but then what's the point? I always wear the tough girl clothes with the whole red and black theme. I didn't wear these kinds of clothes that often but I don't know...I'm just wearing it.

So, I went to the party and as usual, a lot of people were there.

I saw Emily at the snack table standing alone and people were just coming and going saying "Hi!" "Happy Birthday!" "You look amazing" and all that. It's been like this for three years since the day I died. She's more quiet and reserved now. I wish she wouldn't be like just because of me.

Oh, and did I ever tell you what 'story' Tristan had told everyone about my death? That liar said that I got 'drunk' because apparently, someone spiked my drink. I got really crazy and I got in the car to just drive my way home and before Tristan could reach me, the car crashed and know after that. No one found out who spiked the drink because like duh; no one did spike anything!

Tristan rarely comes to my house anymore which is good. The nearer he would be, the more pain I'd get.

Half way through the party and Emily was already enjoying now which I'm really happy about. At that very moment, Tristan came to the party and he hi-fived his friends. I turned my face away in disgust and walked to the other side of the room.

There was a game going on in the room where three guys were competing to see who can drink pizza milkshake. They freaking put pizza and MILK in a blending machine to make pizza milkshake!!!! That's wastage of precious pizza.

Eventually, Tom Hedgers won and he got declared 'Pizzaman' and got a date with Melany Benson, Emily's younger sister. Even though Tom is competitive, he's still a good person and not like those douchebags. He's hot too. *wink*

Then came the best part, dancing! I was always the winner in 'Just Dance' and no one could defeat my moves!

Emily hasn't organized the 'Just Dance' video game since three years and even this year she didn't. We used to dance together in this game and it used to be so fun. The good old times...

The first song which played was 'Birthday' by 'Katy Perry' which was obvious because Emily is a huge Katy Perry fan. Everyone where having a great time and I was dancing a little too. Then the DJ played 'Turn up the Music' by 'Chris Brown' which Jack Rogers danced too because he's a professional dancer when it comes to these kind of songs. His moves were super cool!

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