Chapter 7: Broken Angel

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"I'm so lonely, broken angel; I'm so lonely, listen to my heart. One and only broken angel, come and save me before I fall apart. -Helena (Broken Angel)"



"Mom, do ghosts exist?" I asked as I played with my Barbie dolls.

"I don't know, dear," she replied as she braided my silky black hair. She wasn't so surprised by my odd question because I was known to ask the weirdest questions in the world.

Unsatisfied with the answer, I asked, "Do you believe in ghosts?" She gave a chuckle and said, "I don't believe in such nonsense...and you shouldn't too."

That answer wasn't satisfying too but then I just assumed that they do exist. My mom has no prove that they don't exist so I choose the better option - Ghosts do exist.

*End of Flashback*

Glory Bret

February 12th 1994 to March 16th 2012

Beloved Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bret

"Goodbye Glory," I said to my grave. I always come to visit myself in the graveyard.

Mom and Dad come to graveyard every Friday with a bouquet of red roses (which are my favourite) to put on my grave. They have been doing this for three years and never did they miss even one day. After they go, I walk over to my grave to smell the roses and say 'Hi' to myself.

If I were alive, I would be twenty-one by now and probably be in college. I just laughed at myself knowing that's impossible now but deep inside, my heart was crying.

I was just wandering around in the graveyard. It's really lonely here. There's not a single person in this world who I can talk to. I haven't talked to anyone nor had any connection with anyone for three years now. That's way too long.

There are so many dead people in this graveyard but I haven't seen anyone's ghost yet. Obviously ghosts can see other ghosts and talk to them. It would be quite stupid if that wasn't the case.

Maybe they all are in heaven by now but why not me? I do know that souls are eternal but that doesn't mean they'd be roaming around on Earth like homeless invisible dudes. They should be enjoying in heaven or burning in hell, right?

Well, if that's not the case then I should have been handed a guide book on how to be a ghost just before my death. Those horror movies I saw were certainly not beneficial. I can't do any of the things the ghosts in the movies do and besides, I am into killing people and scaring the hell outta them. Damn, mom was right when she said horror movies were a waste of time!

It was 8 o' clock in the evening on a Friday night when I decided to go to...Starbucks! No one ever said that solitary ghosts can't go to Starbucks to stalk people. Stalking is quite appealing to me and...yea I'm weird.

So, I walked through the door which is quite cool if I say so myself. It was pretty crowded but I did find a seat where no one was sitting.

So, there was this guy names Marc who was a regular customer. He usually ordered a Latte and just walked out. He seemed to be in his late 20s. Then there was Karina who was quite fashionable and she seemed like a college student. She was extremely polite and she usually ordered Cappuccino with extra whipped cream. There were many more regular customers and boredom was taking over me. There's nothing new at all fact, there's nothing new at all in my dead-life. Same old sh*t but a different day! (See what I did there!)

I've been a lonely person for almost three years and I'm just so broken. Imagine having no communication with anyone for more than two years. Bad situation, right? Well, that's what I'm going through.

Anyways, so, I decided to stay a little longer because, who knows, maybe someone might spill coffee over someone and it would be a big scene.

The door suddenly opened and I looked up to see who it was this time. Hmm, he looks like he's new here. I haven't seen him before.

Curiosity took over me as I tried to look at his face more clearly. He was facing towards the counter so it was hard to get a glimpse of him. He was really tall and he was wearing a nice brown jacket and skinny jeans.

"I'd like a Caramel Macchiato, please," he said. His voice was deep and really polite.

"Your name sir?"

"Stellan," he said. He's got a nice name.

After he got his order, he turned around to look for a seat. I was so amazed by his looks. He had dark brown eyes and his hair was perfectly messy and he looked like those bad guys which reminds me of Tristan. 'Bad' is just a mere word in front of Tristan's personality.

"May I sit here?" someone asked. I paid no attention. Obviously it's not me they're asking.

"Excuse me? Umm, are you waiting for someone?" someone asked again but this time he shook his hand in front of me to get my attention.

"What?" I asked looking behind me wondering if he's asking the person behind me.

"Are you waiting for someone?" he asked looking at me. With wide eyes, I just shook my head.

"Oh, okay then."

I was so shocked. This Stellan guy is asking me!? He was talking to me!? After three years of being not able to talk to anyone...

"Umm, is everything alright?" he asked politely.

"No, no-nothing is wrong. It's...perfectly alright," I said slowly. He shrugged and started sipping his Macchiato.

" can see me?" I asked curiously. "Uh...yea," he said with confusion on his face. Damn I'm awkward.

I found myself staring at him intensely and I tried to avoid it. No Glory! You cannot look at another guy ever again! Remember what happened last time?

Just at that moment, the door opened again and I saw him. Tristan Kenneth! That git! His face disgusts me now.

"Do you have a date?" That Stellan guy asked me. "What?" I asked in confusion. "Well, from the looks of you I can guess that you have a date with someone," he said. O_O

"Umm, no. I-I have to go now," I said feeling uncomfortable with Tristan and me being in the same room. His presence seriously gets me angry.

"What? Why?" he asked. Damn! He's really nosey.

"I just have to go," I answered trying not to be rude. I got up and was about to leave when Stellan stopped me.

"I'm Stellan by the way," he introduced himself even though I didn't need an introduction from him. We're never gonna meet again anyway.

"Nice knowing," I said and walked towards the door when he stopped me again. "What's your name?" he asked.

I don't know if I should answer that question or just leave. He doesn't need to know my name. It's totally irrelevant for him. "That would be an irrelevant question. Goodbye," I said. I opened the door and some people were a little freaked out when they saw the door open by itself but then they shook it off.


June 11, 2015

Author's Note:

This might be a boring chapter but there'd be another chapter update in 10 mins. Today is Double-Update Day! Yay!

Read, Comment, Vote and Share Please! It'd mean a alot to me!

Next Update: June 11, 2015 (in 10 mins from now)

Your writer,


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