Chapter 9: Trouble No More

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"No more drowning in my sorrow; with my chin held up there's always better luck tomorrow...And there won't be trouble in the world no more." -Mindy Gledhill (Trouble No More)"


If you were born a badass then being a ghost would be a piece of cake. It's so cool being a ghost but kinda lonely. Meh, I'll get over the 'being lonely' part...someday.

So for now, I'm going to the graveyard. I don't want to go home and see the 'drama' between my parents. My parents have been fighting lately and it's all about the topic 'Talking to Glory when she's dead'. Mom believes I'm always with her and Dad believes I'm dead. If only my Dad knew that I'm still there with them even if I'm a ghost.

Hanging around in the cemetery is pretty boring and scary at times. I know, I know...I'm a ghost so there's nothing to be scared of, but seriously; if you were in my place you'd be scared too.

It was really foggy because it's winter and that's what you can expect, especially in a cemetery. I walked slowly towards my grave and sat down beside it, singing sad songs. Everything is so different now. It's been three years and it's just so hard not talking to you loved ones for such a long time and people don't even know you exist.

At dawn, I left the graveyard and walked away slowly in the disappearing fog; another day of loneliness. The morning dew on the plants was so beautiful. It's the little things in life which have the most beauty in nature.

Only the sound of tree leaves brushing passed each other and sounds of birds was heard. The air started blowing lightly and it was just so enchanting. I love the morning weather.

The Sun was just going to rise when suddenly, someone placed their hand on me which stopped me from daydreaming. What the...

"Glory! It's me, Stellan!" he said and I looked at him weirdly in a 'what are you doing here' way. "Why are you here? Are you following me?"

"Heh, I've more things to do than follow you," he said with a smirk and folded his hands. I raised my eyebrow and rolled my eyes.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm going to go now," I said as I turned the other side to walk away but then he grabbed my right hand which I immediately pulled back.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely. "I want to know what you were doing in the graveyard so early in the morning," he said. "I could ask you the same question," I said with a smirk. "Well, I came to visit my parents, today was the day they...they umm..." he said but I interrupted, "It''s okay. You don't need to say it." I said with sympathy. "I was here to uh...visit my grandmother. She was a really nice person," I lied. I never actually knew my grandma because she died before I was born.

"Oh. Okay."


"So umm...would you like know...just hang out?" Stellan asked as I saw his face turn pink. Aww! He's blushing!

No! Do not look at him! Do not look at the hot blushing guy!

"I don't even know you so well. How do expect me to..."

"We can talk more about ourselves if we hang out..." said Stellan with pleading eyes.

"I don't think so. I told you I'm telling you twice - Stay away from me; it'd be better for the both of us," I said with a serious tone.

"Oh come on! Why are you being so much in denial? I'm just..." he said but I slammed his mouth shut and said, "Shh! You're ruining the moment," I said and look towards the east. The sun was slowly rising and I smiled at that. I love the rising sun.

Something was different today. It was like...the morning told me to be...happy today. Let time do whatever it wants to but just stay happy. Happiness comes to those who truly want it.

"It's really nice view," he commented as I slowly removed my hand from his mouth and walked forward. "It's the best thing so far I've seen as a de..." I was going to say 'dead person' but I kept quiet and he didn't even question. "So beautiful," he said. I smiled and nodded as he commented on the view.

Third Person Point of View:

The sunlight peeped through the trees and plants, lighting up the darkness of the nearby cemetery and forest as the sun rose. Glory was admiring the beauty of the scene and smiling internally. Even though it's lonely day every day, she still admires the beauty of the sun rise.

"So beautiful," Stellan said in awe and Glory nodded at his comment. Little did she know that he was admiring her instead of the sunrise. Stellan has developed some feelings for the clueless ghost, Glory.


June 14, 2015

Author's Note:

Hello there Wattpad readers! So this chapter just got exciting (as far I think) at the end. That Third Person POV was quite 'formally written'. I like writing formal at makes me feel posh. Heh...I'm weird.

I'm obsessed with this song 'Trouble No More' by 'Mindy Gledhill' recently and I was surprised and happy that this chapter relates to it in some sort of way. :)

So today is double update and check the next chapter in some 10 or 15 mins.

Lots of Love from,


Soul MatesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang