Chapter 15: Oh No!

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"Oh No! I am a victim of, a cupid and his arrow up above. Oh no! I haven't got a chance, against the superpowers of romance. –Mindy Gledhill (Oh No!)"


I couldn't believe what I'd seen yesterday. Stellan died in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. It was all so weird. How did this even happen? There was Tristan who killed him but when I looked again, there was some strange and scary figure whose face was covered with a cloak. It's so confusing, but I'll never know what had actually happened.

I haven't seen Stellan since last night now and it's bugging me. I am used to seeing him every day and I couldn't live with the fact that he isn't beside me. I missed his presence every minute he wasn't there. I didn't realise that I had fallen in love with him until I saw him trying to kill himself. I couldn't see him in pain!

I was at Stellan's home knowing that he would obviously be here. I looked around for him but he wasn't there and this got me nervous.

"Stellan, where are you?" I said and looked around. I heard someone murmuring so I walked up to Stellan's room.

"Stellan?" I called out and saw him there moving back and forth murmuring something in anger.

"Glory, oh thank god you're here!" he said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "This...this whole 'dead' and 'ghost' thing!" he said. "This all so hard! I can't eat, sleep, drink and people can't see me either. I can walk through stuff and I can't even hold a damn thing!" he rambled on and on.

"Hey! You don't have to be so anxious about it," I said. "But, it's all so hard! And what's up with this whole black themed clothes?" he said. "Relax! Come sit down here," I said and patted on the chair next to me.

"Wait, how did you do that?" he asked. "Do what?" I asked in confusion. "One second you were standing right here, and in the other second you moved there," Stellan said. "It's a ghost thing," I said with a smirk. You really thought that in these three years of loneliness I didn't master any tricks?

He then shrugged and sat beside me. "Look Stellan, at first when I became a ghost, I thought it was just a bad dream and I'll just wake up soon," I said. "But I never did wake up," I finished with a frown. "Once I learned this was real, it became hard. No communication, no hunger, no tiredness. It was really hard. But once you accept the fact that you're dead, it all becomes easy and really cool," I said. "Everything has its advantages, and disadvantages. Like being a ghost, you can't eat but hey, you can walk through walls and disappear whenever you want!" I said with a smile.

I was going to say something more but I realised Stella was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Was there someone to tell you all this when you became a ghost?" Stellan asked. "No..." I said. "You're a really strong person," he said with a smile which I returned. "Thanks! But even I reacted like you at first," I said. "But don't worry, I'll be there to help," I said. "I am really lucky to have someone like you by my side," he said and then silence struck in. We were just looking at each other and it was calm.

Stellan then leaned closer and so did I. We closed our eyes and our lips met together. Even though I was just a ghost, I did feel those sparks and butterflies in my stomach. The ones which Tristan once gave me were nothing in front of Stellan's kiss. The spark between me and Stellan was stronger and I know nothing will ever change that. We then pulled back and looking at each other and smiling.

Whenever I look at him, I feel that everything's going to be okay. We'll be there to support each other at all times. And that is what love is all about; knowing that we'd be there for each other at all times whether it's good or bad.



June 28, 2015

Author's Note:

So, here's the end people. I guess I'm terrible at writing because...I don't know, the ending was lame? Anyways, I just write because I really love writing stories and poems and stuff and maybe perfect my interest. My brain is packed up with so much imagination that one day it's gonna explode!

Please do Read, Comment, Vote and Share for the story. It'd be a great help.

Do check out 'Just Another Cliche Love Story (One Direction)' by my friend My_Music_Life. It's going really good and it's going to end soon too.

Yours stupidly,

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