Chapter seven

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Tighnari woke up first from cyno rubbing his crotch against tighnari's leg, "cyno could you not do that." Asked tighnari trying to sleep, but no response from the other. Tighnari turned around facing cyno and saw he was asleep, "this horny bitch, if he keeps this up I might just get tr- NO!" Tighnari thought hearing cyno soft moan, "Cyno, wake up!" Said tighnari shaking cyno to wake him up, "yes nari?" Said cyno in a sleepy confused tone. "Get up, and stop trying to fuck me." Said the fox getting up out of the bed. "Could you maybe help me?" Asked cyno moving over to sit on the edge of the bed grabbing tighnari's hand, "hmm, sure." Said tighnari getting on his knees.

;A few interesting sounds later )

Tighnari who almost slapped cyno for not giving a warning, walked out of the bedroom to the bathroom to wash his mouth out with cyno right behind him. "It wasn't that bad." Cyno said, putting his arms around tighnari's shoulders and kissing his cheek, "you could've given me a warning before you cummed in my mouth." Said tighnari washing his mouth out. "You did a good job, you took me whole." Says cyno, making tighnari blush and patting his head.

Ah yes another time skip, 2:45pm

"Cyno! Hurry up we're gonna be late, you look fine!" Tighnari said at the door waiting. "I just want to be presentable for you." Said cyno walking out of the bathroom fixing his hair. "It's not like you're meeting my parents, we're just having dinner with friends." Tighnari said grabbing cyno's hand and walking out the door.

Hmm another, 3:10pm

Tighnari and cyno was looking around the city trying to find the group, and finally found them. "Oh look who's finally here." a tall man with gray hair said looking at cyno, "nice to see you too, al haitham." Cyno said looking annoyed at him. "Cyno, Tighnari you're here!" Nilou said getting up running to the duo, "tighnari where is your partner you said you were bringing?" Nilou asked in confusion, tighnari looked over at cyno, who was having a "chat" with alhaitham, "umm cyno, actually." Said tighnari taking cyno's hand showing her, "makes since considering how you both talked about each other." Dehay said with her feet propped up on a chairs.

Both boys walked over to the chairs and sat down looking a blond that was beside Al haitham, "so who's the blond?" Cyno asked getting himself and tighnari some food,and sitting back down. "my roommate." "kaveh." Both Al haitham and the blond said at the same time, "he said if I didn't want to be locked out of the house again, I would have to come with him. I said no, then he got on his knees and begged to come with him." Haveh said looking at Al haitham. Cyno eating some of his food and trying to feed tighnari just looked at Al haitham and ate. "No,no. You begged me to bring you, because you said you would miss me." Said Al haitham smirking at the blond, haveh turned his back to Al haitham, now looking at cyno and tighnari. "So your the General Mahamatra, and your his boyfriend." The blond said pointing at the two boys, they both nodded.

"You must have a lot of patience to date and live with someone like Al haitham." Said Cyno look at the two roommates, tighnari nodded in agreement looking at the food on the table."HA, you think I would date someone like this dumbass, in his dreams." Said Alhaitham laughing, "you're not?" Everyone at the table beside those two said, "That argument earlier definitely seemed liked it." Said tighnari looking kaveh, cyno nodding in agreement. "Listen... I didn't get your name," kaveh said, "tighnari." He answered, "listen tighnari, arguments are normal for us. After a little bit you just start tuning the other out," Said the blond looking over to alhaitham "like right now." Said haveh lightly slapping Al haitham's face.

"Hmm, just tune the other out, I know how that feels, being tune out" said cyno looking at tighnari, "then get better jokes. Even the books collie reads are better than them" Tighnari said covering his mouth realizing when he just said, "You read one of the books? that explains this morning." Cyno said laughing, "she left one over, and you were still gone, so yesterday I read one, and you shouldn't be laughing either." Tighnari answered starting to get embarrassed but played it off. "What book?" Dehay asked. Both boys looked at each other like they were communicating through their mind, trying not to expose themselves and collie. "Now I'm curious, if it's taking this long to answer a simple question like that it must be very embarrassing." Said alhaitham adjusting how he was sitting. "You don't need to know shit, bitch." said tighnari in a panic sassy tone standing up and crossing his arms. Cyno just smiled and laughed nervously patting the fox's tail, "Nari, let's not cause problems." Cyno said pulling tighnari's tail to sit down, "Ouch! That hurt, sorry." Said the fox, sitting down instantly. "Don't say sorry, he eats my food, locks me out of the house on purpose, and uses all the hot water. He is a bitch." Haveh said looking back and forth from tighnari and alhaitham "Yeah, I do those things but what do you get in return, huh? You know what you get." Said Alhaitham smirking at haveh who's becoming red. Dehay and nilou watching all of this go down like it was a normal day.

Cyno to a napkin and a pen that tighnari keeps on him and started passing notes to each other, for they wouldn't bother anyone at the table with their interesting conversations. But while also having a normal conversation with everyone.

"Your tail is soft <3"

"Ik I take care of it, btw You called me 'nari' in front of other people ^v^"

"I did it on purpose's, it didn't make you uncomfortable, did it?"

"No, I like when you do ;)"

When tighnari was about to pass the napkin to cyno he got snap out of thought by Dehay "hey love birds, you want dessert or not?" She asked holding an apple pie and cheesecake, "we'll take a piece and share." Cyno said taking a piece of apple pie.

Everyone ate dessert, and cyno and tighnari started righting notes to each other again.

"I hope you know I'm getting in that drawer tonight "

"Oh no I'm so scared -_-"
"I have experimented with everything in that drawer, cyno."

"Idc I will make you scream one way or another hehe ;)"

Nilou walked up behind the boys and looked over their shoulders and instantly turned around. "I don't know what nilou just saw but she seems traumatized." Dehay said looking at the couple, "huh?" Both cyno and tighnari said, "nilou walked behind you guys and looked over your shoulders and instantly turned around." Said Dehay pointing to nilou who was walking back to the chair it a shocked face. "I'm so sorry you had to see that" tighnari said in a embarrassing tone looking at the girl, "have fun? I don't know how to respond to that." Nilou said, alhaitham spat out his drink on haveh laughing, haveh is trying not to giggle but failed, Dehay is trying to hold in a laugh, cyno became red as a tomato, and tighnari held his tail and sunk into his chair in embarrassment.

After a minute or so everyone calmed down beside tighnari who is almost in the floor. "Nari get up, and stop hiding in your tail." Cyno said patting the foxs head. Tighnari got back up on his chair "cyno tell me some of your bad jokes to take my mind off of what just happened." Tighnari said holding cyno's hand but instantly regretting it. "Im just going to pretend like you didn't just say my jokes are bad, but yes." Said cyno reaching his free hand up to tighnari's ears, "Why was Cinderella so
bad at soccer?" Cyno asked, everyone asked "why", and tighnari just shook his head, "She kept running away from the ball!" Said cyno laughing, no one else laughed "ok that's fine, I take back what I said, stop the jokes." Tighnari said, giving cyno a dead stare. Cyno started grinning "What did the horse say after it tripped?" Cyno asked, again everyone said "why" even tighnari, because he's never heard this one, " Help! I've fallen and I can't giddyup!" Said cyno, getting a little chuckle out of nilou.

"What do you ca-" before cyno could finish tighnari cut him off, "stop with the jokes before I make you." said tighnari with a annoyed tone, "bet, wh-" cyno once again got cut off by tighnari, but this time with tighnari pulling him in with a kiss, everyone just looked in shock. Cyno trying to deepen then kiss tighnari pulled out of the kiss, "cyno, we're in public." Tighnari said but cyno pulled him back into a kiss. "Some of us are trying to have a conversation here." Al haitham said interrupting the two, "you're just jealous that you have no one" cyno said pulling tighnari back into a kiss. Alhaitham shook by what cyno just said, pulled haveh into a kiss surprising everyone in the room, "knew it." Tighnari said breaking away for a second but being pulled back in, "AHUM were still here" Dehay said interrupting the couple's, they stopped.

[SpongeBob time card voice: 30 minutes later]

Nilou got up "ok I think dinner is over, I hope everyone had fun I must go now, bye." She said. Everyone said their goodbyes, Dehay got up and went to the bathroom, just leaving the four. "I think we should go now." Kaveh said to Al haitham, pulling him up and walking away, leaving cyno and tighnari. "See dinner was good." Tighnari said getting up with cyno following, "maybe we should do this again." Said cyno holding tighnari's hand.

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