Chapter nine

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It was 2 days before collie got back, cyno and tighnari was working on a few projects when the door opened, "who there!?" Cyno yelled pulling tighnari behind him walking to the door seeing collie. She walked past the couple not saying a word and sat down in a chair sighing, "are you ok, collie? Why are you back so early?" Tighnari asked sitting down beside the girl, who looked like she was about to bust into angry tears, "I don't know, somehow every thing went wrong." Said collie putting her head in her hand, "you look tired, let me get you something to drink, and if you want to talk about it you can." Said Cyno getting up to get a glass of water for the girl, "we will always listen." Said tighnari trying to comfort her.

Cyno walked back over with the water and a plate of cheese and crackers to snack on and he sat down beside collie, "when ever you want to talk, you can." Said cyno in a soft tone. Collie looked at the couple and smiled, "it good to know I have you guys," she said taking a drink of water "when I got there every thing was perfect, I saw amber and we talked then she said she wanted me to meet someone, that's when I got nervous. Then amber took me to meet Eula, and I tried to introduce myself to her but she didn't listen." Collie sighed eating a cracker going back to the story, "then we went out for dinner she was a bit rude, but amber said that's how she is and I shouldn't take it personal, but I did. Then she started disrupting the public by trying to fight this strange ginger, which he seemed so familiar. And that's how the next few days went and today I had enough," said collie getting a bit mad remembering how Eula acted, " and so I made a excuse that master tighnari got hurt, and now I feel bad for leaving amber." Collie said leaning back in her chair.

"You should've told her that she was being a bit of a bitch, sometimes you gotta be honest. Like how I am with cyno's jokes, he may not like what I say about them but I'm still going to say something." Said tighnari making collie giggle a little, "how dare you!" Said cyno in an exaggerated tone trying to make collie laugh, which got a laugh from her, "I mean you weren't wrong about tighnari being hurt." Cyno said grinning looking at tighnari, collie made a fake shocked face, "Cyno, honey, you just lied. Collie you should've said that it was cyno that was hurt." Tighnari said, cyno was shocked and so was collie but she was also laughing. Both boys smiled at each other at making collie cheer up.

Collie looked around tighnari's house realizing things were different, "master, did you get a new couch?" Collie asked getting up to look at it, "yes, the old one broke from....uhh." Tighnari said not really thinking about what to say, "I threw my self on the couch to hard and it broke." Cyno said instantly, collie just smirked and nodded "hmm sure." she said. "You think I would lie about something like that, I have a place where one of the springs shot out of the couch and hit me." Said Cyno crossing his arms, "yeah definitely a spring." Said collie turning her head to tighnari and laughed, "The General Mahamatra is a bottom, HA!" Collie said laughing at cyno, "IT WAS JUST A ONE TIME THING!" Said cyno turning red, "sure it was." Said tighnari walking over to cyno and his arm around him.

There was a knock at the door after collies laughing fit, cyno got up and opened the door and was met with two girls, "hello, is collie here?" One of the girls asked, "collie it's for you." Said cyno opening the door more for she could see, "hey amber, Eula, what are you guys doing here?" Collie said walking to the door, "Eula got you a gift, but you left before she could give it." Amber said while Eula was holding a box, "oh thank you, since you are here do you guys want to go to my house?" Collie asked, taking the gift from Eula "sure!" Amber said, collie waved bye to the boys and closed the door, but before the door closed they heard something from the girls. "Are those your parents?" Eula asked, "basically." Collie answered in a happy tone. "She think of us as her parents, I'm so happy!" Tighnari said shaking cyno's shoulders.

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