Chapter ten

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AN: Big brother cyno <3

"Hey collie, me and Eula is going to go now." Amber said hugging collie, "well actually, I was going to go to mondstadt to play TCG." Collie said picking up her bags. Cyno who was out cleaning out side over heard the conversation, "Can I go too? I play." He asked walking over to the girls "And maybe I could asked nari too, even though he doesn't play." "Sure!" The girls said eula just stood there.

Cyno dropped the broom he was holding and ran to tighnari who was in his house. "Nari, nari!" Cyno said barging through the door, "Fuck! You need to stop scaring me," tighnari said almost dropping a vase of flowers, "do you want to go to mondstadt with me and collie to play TCG, of course you don't have to play." Said Cyno walking to the bed room to pack something's, "what about work?" Tighnari said walking to the bathroom and sitting on the bed, "it will be fine, I need a break sometimes." Cyno said putting a suitcase on the bed with some clothes and more, "I don't want you to run off and do anything stupid, sure." The fox said getting up and packing some of his own stuff.

"Collie were ready!" Tighnari said walking with cyno to the girls, "ok then let's get going then." She said.

Time skip

"And we're here." Eula said walking away from the group going somewhere, "She getting something to eat, I will show you where you can stay." Said amber walking with everyone following her.

"Hey amber, who's your friends?" A blue hair man with a eyepatch said walking to the group, "hi kaeya, well you know collie, this is tighnari and cyno they wanted to come to play TCG. And guys this is kaeya." Amber said introducing them, "well hello boys." Said kaeya walking up to the duo, "hi!" Tighnari said shaking kaeya's hand "Hello." Cyno said standing there with his arms crossed, "don't mind him, he's just needs to warm up to you. He's like a dog but a dog has better jokes." Tighnari said putting his arm around cyno's neck "that wasn't necessary nari." Cyno said turning his said head away. Kaeya chuckled at the boys, "I should get going now, have fun." With that he walked away.

Tighnari, cyno, and collie got to the place they are going to stay for a few days, collie decided to stay in while the couple went out to eat. "Mondstadt is nice,but I like the forest better." tighnari said drinking some mystery drink, "Cyno, what did you get me to drink?" "I don't know, all I said was were from the forest" Cyno said taking a drink from his when someone accidentally ran into him, "I'm sorry!" A boy shorter than cyno with gray hair and red eyes said, "razor be careful. Are you ok sir?" A woman in purple said, Cyno was about to say something until he saw the boy "yeah." "He was oddly calm about that." Tighnari thought but he got pulled out when the boy walked up to him, "I'm Lisa and this is razor." The woman said getting razor's attention again, "ears." Was all razor said, cyno was in shock seeing the boy, he looked like him kinda. "My ears?" Tighnari said looking confused pointing at them, "they are real?" Razor asked, Lisa was looking between razor and cyno, "yes they are my tail is too." The fox said standing up "WOAH."

Lisa who saw that cyno had the same confused face as her decided to join them with razor, and she told the duo razor's story "so could I get your names?" She asked, "I'm tighnari and this is cyno." The fox answered. "Lisa was it, why did you decide to join us?" Tighnari asked taking another sip of his drink, "to ask a few questions." She answered looking over to cyno who was looking at razor, "huh why me." Cyno asked looking up at the woman, "teacher, he looks like me." Razor said looking away from cyno "brother?" "Huh?!" Both tighnari and cyno said, "razor, I'm pretty sure I don't have a brother but either way I could try to be a brother like figure." Cyno said looking at the boy "so what do you like to do?" He asked "I adventure, hunt and play TCG." Razor said looking over to Lisa, she nodded and got up and left. "Lucky for you I do all of those things." Cyno said smiling at the boy, "cyno, I think he meant a different kind of hunt like in animals, not people." Tighnari said looking at them "hunting is hunting nari. Now razor let's play TCG, then I can teach you how to use a polearm." Cyno said getting out some cards, "if you going to play I'm going to look around," tighnari said walking over to cyno and giving him a kiss "love you." "Love you too." Tighnari walked off. "Now let's play" razor said getting out his cards.

Cyno and razor played a 4 games and the score being 2-2 "you're quite good." Cyno said putting his hand on the other's head "You too." Razor said looking at cyno's polearm "I will teach you, let's find a spot." Cyno said getting up with razor trying to find a spot. "This will work." The boys where in a field out side of wolvendom "this is where me and Bennett eat together." Razor said getting out his claymore, both boys switched weapons.

"Now spin it slowly until you think you're good at it. " Cyno said adjusting razor hands on polearm, "I want to see what you can do." Razor said handing back the polearm, "Ok, but I would also like to see what you can do with a claymore, so do you want to spare?" "Sure!" Both boys picked up their weapon "can we use visions?" Razor asked realizing cyno also had one, "Yeah. let's have a code word for one of us don't go to far, how about pineapple." Cyno said getting in a fighting stance, same with razor. "3.2.1 GO!" Cyno yelled and both started fighting.

Tighnari was looking at some plants when he saw Lisa again, "hello again." She said "so what did you want to ask earlier?" Tighnari asked "why did you come here" she asked "my assistant collie was coming here to play TCG then cyno over heard her then he wanted to join and he asked me but I don't play. I just tagged along." Tighnari said finding a beautiful flower.

"Teacher! Look!" Razor said running up to Lisa with with a polearm and cyno behind him "be careful razor." Cyno said making sure razor doesn't hurt himself, razor spun it around twice and stopped "and razor taught me how to use his claymore, this thing his heavy." Cyno said holding a claymore "We also spared." Razor said in a bit of a said tone "I lost."

"Don't worry razor, cyno just has more experience from what he does for a living." Tighnari said patting razor head "Oh, what does he do, and what do you do?" Lisa asked looking at the couple "I'm a forest ranger." "General Mahamatra" razor looked at cyno with wide eyes.

"You two are an interesting duo." Lisa said looking at the fox "duo? You could've just said couple." Tighnari said sounding rude but not meaning to "I didn't know you guys were dating. Hmm, so does the tail get in the way or?" Lisa said dragging the 'or', razor looked in confusion not knowing what she meant "miss Lisa don't take a way the innocent in him," cyno said putting his hands over razor's ears "sometime he just puts it to his side to grab on to it, most of the time it lays there and twitches." "CYNO!" Tighnari yelled embarrassed, cyno took his hand off razor's ears and is still confused.

"I didn't need to know that." Collie said walking over to the group, "Collie you read vampire po-" tighnari said seeing razor "never mind." Collie walked over to razor and cyno and looked back and forth between them, "hello green lady." Razor said looking at her "hi you must be razor, amber told me about you." Collie said in her cheerful voice, "Ok, cyno, I have found a few people to play TCG with and the traveler is one of them so let's go!"she said holding a paper with some names on it "can I join?" Razor asked "of course!" Collie said "Ok! Bye, Lisa, love you nari." Cyno said walking away with collie and razor.

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