Chapter IX

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When we arrived, there was already a new guard at the front gate. He looked at unconscious Shane in concern.

'Yeah, can you please help us out?' I asked.

The guard opened the gate and got into the car with us. Kira drove down the long passageway and parked in the provided parking lot. The guard helped us to lift Shane out of the car and we carried him to his room. I found his room keys in his pockets and I opened the door. We basically threw Shane on his bed.

'Wow, he's heavy,' the guard said.

I rested his room keys on his nightstand, and we all left his room. We thanked the guard and walked back to our room.

'What a fun night,' Kira said sarcastically.

'The best one yet,' I replied with a smile.

Kira took off her shoes and rubbed her feet.

'I'm gonna go take a bath,' she mumbled before going into the bathroom.

Now was the perfect time to call Mom and Dad and tell them about my possible Witch Hunter problem. I went over to my nightstand, where I kept my cellphone. It wasn't there.

That was weird. I started checking through all the drawers. I started to get panicked. All my information was stored in that phone. If it got into the wrong hands, then it would be trouble.

'Kira?' I called frantically. 'Have you seen my phone?'

'No,' Kira shouted from the bathroom.

I started searching through all my clothes. There was no sign of it.

Suddenly, someone started pounding on the door. I gasped and pulled out my dagger.

'Who is it?' I called.

The pounding just continued.

'Vicky, will you get that?' Kira called.

I hid the dagger behind my back, and pulled the door open. There was no one there. I looked down. There was my phone on the floor. I quickly hid the dagger in my boot and picked up the phone. As soon as I touched it, my phone started ringing.

I gulped, as I pressed the "answer" button. I put the phone to my ear.

'I know who you are, Vicky Cayenna,' a hoarse voice whispered.

My grip loosened and the phone fell from my hands. It dropped on the carpeted floor. I just stared at it in shock.


'Vicky, is that you?' Mom asked.

'Hi, mom,' I said.

'Why haven't you called yet? I was so worried!' Mom scolded.

'I'm calling now, aren't I?' I asked.

I heard Mom sigh on the phone.

'You're right. How are you, honey?' she asked.

After the creepy phone call, I had decided to call Mom. I should have checked it the phone had a bug in it, but since the person already knew who I was, I didn't think it would matter. I went outside and made the call, so no one could hear me.

'I'm good,' I replied. 'I killed Vincent Ricardson last night.'

'No way,' Mom gasped. 'On your first day!?'

Vicky The Vampire Hunter (The Hunters Book 1).Where stories live. Discover now