Chapter 1

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I cried myself to sleep that night, and he told me not to fear.
He caressed my hair to cease my fright,
The image of death was near.

He didn't believe me,
Thought it was a lie.
So he paid full retribution.
Repaid with his life.


Many buildings clustered together to form what seemed like a village, but more steam punk. Brass tubes twisted in and out of buildings, creating clouds of steam. They had lush plains, with crevices and flowers everywhere. The sky was almost always blue, and the slime island melted into the distance. Beyond the river lay a thick, dark forest, where evil spirits reside.

"Kim, what are you doing?!"Duncan shouted, as Kim turned around, annoyed.

"I'm building a new house."The dark haired girl called back. Even when they got back, she remained the same as before, and that's why he loved her.

"Well, I guess you can go do that."Duncan shrugged as he went back to what he was doing.

They were drifting apart, they both knew that. Kim was getting sick of Duncan's correcting, and Duncan was getting sick of Kim's insolence. She wanted to run away, but she loved him too much to even suggest it.

"For God's sake, Nano! Why do you not get it?!"Duncan shouted for the umpteenth time, as Kim lay the last foundation for a house.

"Put your piano elsewhere, somewhere away from my Botania and Pam's houses!! This is for my bed-I'm tired of sleeping next to you."

"If you have a problem, just SAY it, Kim."Duncan hissed."You can't expect me to read your mind."

"Well then I'll say it now, Duncan; rewind the time you brought me to this world; rewind the heart breaks you've bestowed upon me; rewind the purpose of our survival. And Duncan, I am sick of your antics. They'll just get me killed."

Duncan glared at her."Fine. I don't care."The words stabbed Kim's heart like needles."Get yourself killed, I don't give a damn."Duncan stomped away, anger imprinted on his face.

Kim was left there, and tears formed in her eyes.

I don't want this.
I don't want this.
I don't want this.

I wish I could rewind time to when we loved and appreciated each other.

I wish I could change Duncan's attitude.

I wish I could mend my broken heart.

Duncan hates me now, and he has no means of forgiving me. He doesn't want me here. He hates me. I am just a nuisance. He hates me. He doesn't care. He can't rewind time.

I know my life will be hollow without him, and all I want... Is to be with him.

Is that so wrong?

Her knees buckled underneath her, and the tears streamed out of her eyes. If Duncan had come, she would of forgiven him, thou would of loved each other once again.

But he didn't come.

She thought she was alone, but how wrong she was. She felt utter isolation as she ran off into the dense forests, across the slime river, forever crying.

Tree stumps were scattered around her, but she didn't notice. The low branches of the trees lashed at her face, and cuts and bruises littered her skin. So she stopped, she came to a clearing. Her head was spinning, and she stumbled into the grass, knocked out.

Three figures loomed over her, and sighed."This girl is useless."The green one said as they carried her into their base.

Rewind(Sequel to Nuked)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin