Chapter 2

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I was captured, ensnared,
And I found what I didn't expect,
I found someone who really cared,
I found someone to deject.

I found it in the woods,
In a clearing of grass,
So when they took off their hoods,
I replied with a gasp;


Kim's POV

"Hat Films?!"I gasped in shock."Why are you here? You died, didn't you?"

They all looked down on me."I guess we didn't ."They all wore blank stares.

I look around, and see the similar small shack they built for their deeds, and I scowl in hatred at the hut, I clearly remember nuking it. Everything flooded back to me and Hat Films backed off slightly. I noticed some fear in their eyes. They've all changed. Is that a good thing?

They looked curiously at me, and I feel my hair cover one of my eyes. They just crouched next to me, looking.

Trott smiled."Tell us what happened."Why was he being so kind? I clearly remember him as a pain in the neck.

The other two nodded.

Why the hell are they being so nice to me?! This is getting creepy.

"Well,"I hesitated before started."Ever since we got here, we both knew something wasn't right. We loved each other, sure, but we argued. Shouted at the littlest things. And he got annoyed at me... For no particular reason. I wonder if it was what I said, but he told me that I didn't matter. So I ran away."

I look away as I finished my story, and the Hats seemed to snap out of a trance."What the-What happened? Kim? Why are you here?! You bloody nuked us, you witch!"They all seemed to say in a jumble of noise.

I sighed."Duncan hates me, so is it okay if I stay here for a bit?"

The quieten down and blink."What? Well, fine, I guess."

Trott smirked."You can stay, but make sure you don't get anything fluxed."

I sighed again."Okay."

They led me down a ladder and into a small bedroom, stone ceiling, stone floor the Hats made me a bed and placed it parallel to theirs. The room was empty, and the smell of soil never left the air. But to me, it was better than nothing. I eyes them before I slept."No funny business, okay?"

"Like hell."They replied as they slipped under the covers.

Is this what they mean by,'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer'? I guess so. All it would take is three daggers to three throats. But is it really their fault? Did they start the war? I can't remember, it was so very long ago...

I fell asleep under the covers and wonder why Hat films changed personalities. 'Oh well.' I thought.'Doesn't really matter now.'


The dreams haunted me that night. I pictured Duncan, impaled and unmoving. Blood stained my hands and I screamed. Duncan looked up at me and top me he hated me. And it wasn't the dream that scared me, it was the fact that it could be true that did.


I wake up, sweating. I soon realised three shadows hovering over me, discussing something. They notice my awakening and step back a little.

"You..."Smiffy started as he scratched his head."Were screaming and it woke us up."

I saw they were in differently coloured pyjamas, and to be honest, the mix of ruffled hair and worked faces were kind of cute.

I smile slightly."Sorry. Nightmare."

Ross spoke, his face a little uneasy."That screaming was horrid, no offence, but it scared the living day lights out of me. What could you see that made you scream like that?"

I paled."I-I don't remember."I lied."Maybe I was dreaming about Slender."

They nodded."Maybe."

They all jumped back into their beds and fell asleep, whist I lay there, a hollow spirit in my heart.


3rd Person POV

Duncan paced around in his bedroom, eventually falling into his hammock, exhausted. It wasn't fun without her here. And though Duncan wouldn't admit it, deep down, he misses her too much. He can barely contain his worry.

What would he do if she were to die?

Throwing his hammer down on the floor in frustration, he stormed out of their base and into the woods, to fin Kim.

Rewind(Sequel to Nuked)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon