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My tears for you could fill the oceans


20 Years Before

A young boy trips in a field of barley, his knee cutting on some shrapnel. Shrapnel?

Fat tears rolled down his face as he wailed in pain, his blonde hair glinted in in the sunlight. It was mid-afternoon on a warm autumn day, and the child, around 5 years old, limped to his secret base. He went inside, still crying, and found all his items to remain untouched. His small chemistry set, an engineering workbench and his inflatable sofa. The lands were lush and fertile, his parents lived in the woods and collected resources. He wanted to be a scientist when he was older, but he was too poor and his parents just laughed. He went to the farm nearby once, to ask for some food. They kicked him out as soon as he asked, but their son, another boy of his age, gave him a steak sandwich and said his dream was to 'Feed the World'.

He was about to enter before a girl, three or so years older than him, came and picked some barley nearby. His eyes widened. She was just so... Beautiful. She had shimmering black hair, chocolate brown eyes and delicate lips. Flowers and pearls decorated her head and she wore an oriental style dress and leggings. She saw him and he jolted. She immediately came over to him and said,"Are you bleeding? Here, let me help!"She took some cloth from her bag and tied it around his knee."See, all better!"She smiled and patted it.

"Th-Thanks Miss!"He said."By the way, I'm Lalna."

She beamed."Hi Lalna, I'm Nanosounds."Her smile faded."Sorry, I have to go. See you around!"

She weaved through the barley and waved goodbye, smiling once again."Bye!"Lalna called.

Her smiles were stunning. And at that moment, Lalna knew that he was in love.

20 Years Forward

"Hey Kim, do you remember when we met when we were kids?"Duncan asked.

"What are you talking about? We met when we started Flux Buddies!"

Duncan sighed."You don't remember."

"Was it something romantic?"Kim rolls her eyes, and Duncan nodded. She sighed.

"Fine."Kim said irritably."This is payback for my short term memory."She kissed him lightly on the cheek. Duncan's face warmed.

"Y-You'd have to kiss me a million time for the number of times you forget things."

Kim blinked twice, then slapped him."Then they wouldn't be special..."Kim mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"Oh! Um, nothing..."


"Yeah!"She slapped him again.

"Stop slapping me!! It hurts you know!"

"Whatever..."Kim said as Duncan grinned begin her back.

Rewind(Sequel to Nuked)Where stories live. Discover now