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The butterfly flapped its wings and I was swept away.

"Look!! Duncan! I did it! I incubated a Chocobo egg!! Isn't this amazing."

"Yeah, wow, Kim! Cool."Duncan replied, clearly distracted.

"Duncan! It's hatching... what do I do?!"Kim scrabbled at some supplies around it, like feathers, grass and food stuffs.

The egg cracked and opened to a snowy feathered Chocobo, it had flux coloured eyes and a normal yellow beak. Those deep purple eyes, they were what Kim fell in love with immediately. Ut was the soft gaze the Chickobo gave her, and the adorable fluffiness of the feathers. And the way it cuddled into her chest. Kim squealed like the fangirls when she fuels the ship.

Duncan looked over."A white one!"He said in awe."Thats quite rare!"

"I think I'll get to like this!"Kim smiled.

"So I'm not the only one who enjoys Chocobos doing it?"

"No!! You sick pervert! I like the tiny babies. They're so adorable!"She squealed again.

Over the next few days, Kim took great care of her own Chocobo and it grew up fast and nicely. She rarely talked to Duncan, she got up early to feed the Chocobos and play with them. And to be honest, Duncan was getting lonely.

"Kim."Duncan consulted her one day."I need to talk to you about something."

"Fire away."Kim stopped stroking the Chocobo and faced him.

"I feel like you've been staying with the Chocobos too much. You... rarely talk to me, and always go to the Chocobo pen... And I got lonely."

"Well, Duncan, I feel that I have a sense of responsibility for the things, I love them. I'm sorry if you're lonely but I don't feel any different. I will keep going to the pen every da-"

Duncan interrupted her by saying."I l-love you, okay? I-I'm jealous. This may sound ridiculous but I want to be that Chocobo right now. To have that much attention from you would set my heart alight."Duncan swayed nervously.

Slowly, Kim smiled."Duncan, you're the most adorable no matter what animals I see."

Duncan grinned back."Thanks, Kim. I knew you li-"

"There is an exception of Billy, Dinnerbone, Bob and Satan that is."Kim added.

"You think an upside-down deer is cuter than me?"

"What of it?"

"That's cruel, Kim!"Duncan whined."And even Sata-"Duncan was cut off by Kim lightly hugging him. She put a hand to his lips as they broke away."You're adorkable, Duncan Lalna. And I think the Chocobo thinks so too."

Duncan, Kim and all the Chocobo in the Lucky Egg Ranch sat on the grass, dozing or chatting. The auburn lights of the setting sun reflected off feathers and skin, crating a sensational glow. And they all closed their eyes and fell asleep until dawn.

Rewind(Sequel to Nuked)Where stories live. Discover now