Chapter 5

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I just couldn't find her,
I drowned in my tears,
Change into wolfs fur,
And overcome my fears.

What I saw killed me,
It ripped away my heart,
Before I thought I was free,
And then I fell apart.


Kim. Kim. Kim. That's all Duncan could think about. He looked at his jet pack recharging and he couldn't concentrate. It was the fact that Kim had been gone for so long. So, so long. He had been angry, until a few hours after her disappearance. He knew she was crying, and he didn't help her. He regret everything he did, to the point where he could die. He had that feeling, the feeling that everything would go wrong in a split second. And everything did.

He stormed into the forest that she ran into, and he saw her light footsteps in the dirt. He looked into the dense forest and ran straight into it. He ignored the twig that slashed his arms, occasionally swatting leaves away from hi face. He came to a clearing. And dread filled his heart. He recognised that shack. It was Hat Films'. He screamed 'no' over and over in his mind as he ran into it, went down the trapdoor... To find Trott and Smith talking in the underground base of dirt and stone.

"Where's Kim?"Duncan snarled, his moon charm glowing dangerously."What did you do with her?"

He saw the four beds ad his eyes glowed. The two Hats shivered."Sh-She's with R-Ross."Trott stammered."West of here."

Smiffy nodded vigorously.

Duncan took off; out of the shack, and into the woods. He sniffed the air.

"Shit Smith, if they're together..."Trott began.

He nodded."Someone's going to die here."


He panted as he ran outside. He could even smell the scent of Ross and Kim mingling. If he laid one finger on her...

He readied his pink blade by his side. Duncan rage grew intense, and his body could barely cope with the strain. He just wanted to see if Kim was okay.

Gruesome thoughts clouded his mind of what he could be doing to her, and he grit his teeth. Hat Films aren't that sadistic. Aren't they?

Duncan cursed colourfully in his mind, and he kept running. The skies turned a cloudy grey and little droplets of rain fell from the heavens. The little droplets soon turned into large raindrops and Duncan got utterly drenched. He didn't stop, though. He was so close, he knew it. He was almost there...

And then he found them. Grief exploded in his heart, and he was pierced by the lance of betrayal. He balled his fists, his short nails digging into his skin. 'Why?' Duncan thought as his eyes tinted red.

They were kissing. Ross, obviously more passionate. Nonetheless, Kim wasn't refusing him. Their lips connected in tight embrace as she laid her hands on his shoulders.

Duncan stepped out of the dense bushes he hid in. His head lay low.

"Oh."Was all Ross said before Duncan held him by his neck on a nearby tree.

Ross struggled from Duncan's grasp as Kim shouted at Duncan to stop. He didn't listen to her and simply tightened his grip.

"Stop! Duncan, please!!"She pleaded.

Tears streamed out of Kim's eyes and the rain poured down her face, as Ross' body fell limp against the tree."Let go Duncan! H-He's dead."

Duncan merely looked at her as he looked away from what he was doing. He dropped Ross immediately, and Kim ran over, and held her head over his body. She felt for a pulse, and found none. She hovered her had over his mouth, and felt nothing. Her tears came again, and the rain reflected that. Kim barely noticed her sodden clothes as her tears fell onto Ross' chest, and Kim whispered."I'm sorry." as she placed one last kiss on Ross' lips and looked at Duncan's emotionless eyes, ready for a fight.



Hey! I'm sorry! If the next chapter doesn't make up for it, then here, have this joke!*Shoves in face*

Why did the magician never practice his tricks in the garden?
Because the corn has ears and the potatoes have eyes!

Hahaha!! No? Not the time? Too busy being emotional? Okay. Sorry.

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