Chapter 6

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It was a thing called betrayal,
That tore us apart,
The emotion I felt for the girl,
Who stole away my heart.

I don't know what I did wrong,
But that night she cried,
I didn't talk for long,
And I loved her at my side.



I looked at him. He looked at me.

"Why, Duncan?"

"Because..."He hesitated, and let the rain run down his face to cover his eyes with hair."I don't know. It was jut a feeling."

"He did nothing to you, nothing! Why did you have to kill him?!"

"Like I said, I don't know. And answer this: why are you defending him as if he were your lover?"

I stumbled, taken aback. and I wondered. Why was I defending the enemy? I would have happily killed him before. Before...

"Look Duncan, I'm sorry-"

"No."He interrupted."Don't even waste your breath. I am starting to see why you left me now, and why I didn't go after you."He stated coldly."Do whatever you want, and don't drag me into your nonsensical drama."

He turned around, and combed his wet hair back with a hand. His goggles dropped to the floor and I felt it again. The stabbing in my heart. The betrayal and loss of my lover.


I've done it again. I've done it again. I've done it again.

I've pushed her away again.

I've hurt her feelings again.

I've broken my heart again.

I look at my hands, and the tears come. A waterfall of tiny droplets. I fall to my knees and howled like a wolf.


3rd person:

The rain stopped soon after they parted. Duncan's mind was tearing itself up, one part of him said that Kim betrayed him. That she is the one to blame. And another part thinks that he was the one who pushed her away. He clenched his head in confusion. The mad scientist always knew many things, but was clueless about that thing called love.

Kim was devastated, once again. She screamed in her head. Shouting 'why?!' Over and over again. She tried to act tough, but was really as fragile as glass. she stumbled back into a tree trunk, and stayed there, resting her head against the hard bark. she closed her eyes, and she knew. She knew that she had to steel her heart against heartbreak. So she opened her eyes a stronger person.

Hatred built up inside of Nano. The anger consuming any guilt she had for him. All she knew was that Duncan was the one who caused this. He ruined everything. He was a restrictor to the things she could do. He shouted insults at her, and she thought that he wouldn't care. She thought that he hated her. She couldn't of been more wrong.

Duncan went back to their base. Amd even the Chocobos stayed silent. A chilling wind blew through that place, and Duncan shivered as he went in. The lively glow that usually emitted from Nano's Botania Hut was replaced by darkness. The usual bubbling of the smeltery was also replaced by a dull drone that came from the controller. Everything was deprived of attention. And Duncan wasn't in any shape to pay any. He was in a almost coma state, but very much conscious. He was zoning in and out of concentration. His face showed no concentration, worry or any other emotion. And to be honest, Duncan Lalna was long gone. What remained was his skeletal shell, his eyes hollow and his mind unforgiving.

Kim took a few steps, and fell to her knees. She cried no tears. Her breath hitches and she balled her hands into fists. Then he looked straight ahead of her. It was his goggles. black rimmed and purple. She stared at them for god knows how long, until she finally put them on. She staggered to her feet.

"I am Nanosounds."She mumbled.

"I am Nanosounds!"She said, louder.

"I am Nanosounds, and I am strong!"

She let the goggles tighten around her head, and she felt it all. The knowledge, the traits.

As if Duncan's soul was sharing her body

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