Chapter 8

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What he chose to do was wrong,
Rotten at the heart,
But it had taken far too long,
To let them fall apart.

The world had turned grim,
Decided to split in two,
It was ever waiting for him,
To finally end the feud.


3rd person POV

Ridgedog had went to try and cease Nano's anger, and in the meanwhile, Xephos was thinking. He knew what was going to happen. But he wanted to change the past. Undo the wrong he's done. If there was a way to turn the clock back, if there was a way to make things alright again, peace would be restored.

Xephos decided. He would go to the Time Cops' base, to at least try to turn back the pages. So once again, he had to be the underdog for destiny. He sighed in relief as he saw the luminous green lighting that gave the base it's iconic look. He painted a little when he reached the door-the terrain was uneven. Flicking the switch, he entered with caution. He heard that there were werewolves in there before. Drawing his emerald blade, he took a few steps in. After he had killed Sjin, the place was deserted. Xephos had a few ideas of how it runs. He knew that it was like the time gate in YogLabs.

The days when his dwarven companion and him would explore the cosmos and beyond. He got out a strangely shaped device.

"A Time Alteration Device..."He mumbled under his breath."It could transport everyone who survived... Back in time!"

He plugged it into the gate and frowned to himself."Talking to myself... I really have gone crazy."

He took around 7 big strides backward, and then ran. Ran for everything and everyone. Ran for the sake of Yogslabs.


One moment, everyone was doing their own thing in the new world. The next, everyone was sent hurtling down an abyss of colour... And I mean everyone. Even the dead. Ross, Sjin... They're all spiralling down. Xephos simply closed his eyes as he fell unconscious to the sound of screaming and thrashing. The sounds of memories being erased.


He smelt it before he saw it. The charred world. In some ways, it's better than the plentiful new world. And in some ways, it's shockingly inferior. He was in his little outdoor area, next to the computer and the blacksmith anvils. He knew that he had to do some explaining to Duncan and Sjin... Maybe even everyone alive at the moment.

Xephos felt sorry for the HAT trio, they would wake up in vats of liquid, unable to get out. They'll probably get killed by the testificates, and marked 'insane'. However, what Xephos did was inevitable. Fate. As twisted as it is, it is meant to be. Xephos sighed a he heard confused voices from inside their base. He walked inside, and met with puzzled faces. Worries faces.

"I'm guessing you two want to know what's going on?"

"Yes!!"They demanded. Xephos encoded the device he had to only let certain people remember. Duncan, Sjin and him were the only ones.

"You would know that we've travelled back in time. That is my doing. Oh, and sorry for killing you, it was compulsory."

"That doesn't exactly answer why all of us came here..."Duncan queried.

"Well, I had a Time Alteration Device. There are different toggles that enable different modes, including sending everyone back or forward in time. Now, you two are reliving your life. I believe that Kim would be coming soon, after all, it was her story."

"Will she remember?"Duncan whispered.



"uh, does this mean Minty will be here too, and I'll fall in love with Kim?"Sjin thought about it for a bit.

"If you want."Lewis smirked."This I like a decision game. Get one wrong and this world could come tumbling downhill."

"So we can change the future!"Duncan started to smile at himself.

"Yes. But one thing."

"What is it?"The farmer and the scientist asked in unison.

"Beware of the butterflies."Lewis said simply as he walked to the smeltery interface and sighed at what little resources they had.

"I believe it is time to get back to work."Lewis said to no one in particular as he walked to the hidden door to YogLabs.

Rewind(Sequel to Nuked)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu