Chapter 3

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Clones eat away inside my mind,
Telling lies that shade the light.
The one true master I will find,
And then finally, end your plight.

And I'll dig out all the hooks,
From my skin so I can grow.


The Time Cops HQ was a marble building, encased in steel and neon green lights. Vines drape over the prism-like shape and trees encircle around it. Within, there were fancy spruce floors. And the unmissable: the Time Gate. The rainbow polygon sat in a dip in the room, powered by the big reactor that was behind it. A cat walk glowed and indicated where someone ran or walked. The Time Cops realised that by building up momentum and power, they could travel further back in time.

"We can go back fifty years, Sjin. Fifty."

"I know right, Dunc!"Sjin beamed as he turned around, not noticing the flinch his partner gave.

"So, A.I, can we travel... around a few months ago, maybe? I just want to see if a certain person is alive..."The scientist scratched his head.

"Well."The robotic voice started."Yes, but don't meddle with time too much, a paradox right now would destroy the world like before. A jogging pace will do. Activating Time Gate. You have four seconds to prepare."

The A.I began the countdown before Sjin squabbled over items and Duncan readied himself. The computer got to one, and the duo jogged into the Time Gate.

A multi-coloured vortex blinded their eyes as they span into the abyss of rainbow.

They woke up on the hard rock. They both coughed like mad and they both looked at the grey sky."This..."Sjin shivered."What is this place?"


When someone dies, they usually get a clone sent out from YogLabs. It takes some time though. Especially if the world is toast. So YogLabs waited until the New world came. This meant, though, everyone apart from those who survived lost their memory. Everyone did, apart from Duncan and Kim. But...

"I don't know, Sjin, but I don't like it."Duncan replied, and Sjin didn't pick up the look of slight disgust Duncan threw at the radioactive rock. Nostalgia.

"It' so... eerie."Sjin looked at the ground."Were we even here when this happened?"

"I'd expect so-we better watch out."Duncan laughed nervously, like he wanted to hide something.

Sjin nodded."Who did you want to see was alive? Kim?"

Duncan shook his head."I wanted to see if Minty was still alive."

Sjin flinched."Now, why would you want to see her?"He asked coldly.

"I wanted to see if Lewis had done something to her yet."

Sjin looked mortified."He did something to her?"

Duncan rolled his eyes at Sjin."Not in that kind of way, but mentally."

"O-oh, right."Sjin relaxed.'Naïve moron.' Duncan thought.

"We better find some shelter."Sjin piped up.

Duncan nodded and pointed at a rail containing a broken cart with many modular additions."Civilisation."

Sjin tried to run, to follow the tracks, but Duncan pulled him back."People are in civilisation, and if they see us, we'll create a paradox. Then everyone dies, so Sjin, please do not go head first into a snake trap."He hissed.

"Well, so-orry."Sjin muttered as they sneaked behind red rocks. They eventually found the building that had a wall surrounding it so no monsters could get through. The night in this world was ruthless.

"Um, A.I, can you take us back when we're in danger."Sjin asked.

"Specification of class?"

"Near death would be fine."Duncan said after looking at Sjin's clueless face.

"Time Gate on standby."

The pair entered the compound and found some ugly buildings, and some nicer ones. One, which Sjin classified as ugly, was the mix of glass, ground and rocks, and you oils see a tampered with pressure chamber inside. There was a nice wooden house that often set on fire. Before they could analyse any more, voices could be heard indoors and they both ducked below the glass at once. The speech was a bit jumbled and unclear, but they made it out to be something to do with and arrival of Minty.

Sjin stiffened. Duncan sat, emotionless.

"We can't be seen."Sjin hissed."It'll end the world!"

"Or can we?"Duncan stood up, grasping the attention of all the people inside the wooded house.

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